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FTX Trees HD with or without ORBX Scenery


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Can FTX Trees HD be used with FSX default scenery only i.e. without using ORBX scenery and if so, does this overwrite the FSX default trees?  If FTX Trees is used only with ORBX scenery, will the FSX default trees be overwritten?  Exactly how do I make a backup and how to use this backup to recover the original default trees? 



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HD Trees replaces all the tree textures from both the Orbx trees, and the default FSX trees, in other words its a total tree replacement


If you choose to backup the existing trees it will ask for a location of your choosing for the backup to be made, then when you uninstall via FTXcentral it puts the textures back again from your backup

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3 hours ago, Tim Harris said:

HD Trees replaces all the tree textures from both the Orbx trees, and the default FSX trees, in other words its a total tree replacement


If you choose to backup the existing trees it will ask for a location of your choosing for the backup to be made, then when you uninstall via FTXcentral it puts the textures back again from your backup


That's how it should work...., unfortunately this is not true, at least in my situation.

See my thread titled "FTX Global Trees HD V1.00" started at November 24th. (I am not at home, and don't know how to copy/paste from my phone, sorry).

After specifying a backup location, the installation continued, but no files were backup'ed. 

I protested against Ben's response, but no further reaction.....

Cheers Fred

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2 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Yes, you are correct, this function is no longer working.


Thank you Nick for confirming my observation.

It is possible to zip the original FSX tree texture files here as a backup, just in case I have to uninstall the product ?


Cheers Fred

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24 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


I would happily do that but although I certainly have the files, I have no idea which

ones to send you, as I don't get a backup either.:(


Hello Nick,

I can understand your answer, as you don't have the backup either.

On the other hand I think Orbx has made a fundamental mistake here, if I may say so.

After an installation there should always be a way to return to the original situation, e.g. by an uninstallation.

Now, due to an error (?) In the installation of FTX Global Trees, an uninstall is not possible to return to the original FSX situation.

Of course one of the developers of this product should know which files were subject for backup.


May I ask you to retrieve this information from the developer(s) of this product?


Cheers Fred

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There is no mistake and no intention to deprive you or anyone else of the original files.

In fact I rather think that Holger has suggested a way that you could return to the originals

if you felt you needed to in another topic.

As I am sure you know, until recently a backup was made, which is

why FTX Central still clearly states that a backup is being made.

The fact that it is not being made is, I think, an error which should be addressed.

I have asked internally but not yet received a reply.

It is after all the weekend.

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Hi @Sundancer,


Upon reviewing the code, the tree textures are already backed up at: Orbx\Scripts\unified\backup. Or, as I mentioned earlier, you can perform a "repair" on your simulator installation to restore the original textures.


An update for FTX Central will be pushed in the coming days which will correct the backup functionality.

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