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Issues with KSFF Felts Field


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Hi team


I forgot to post two errors/issues with this scenery I found last time I was flying under the bridges.KSFF Felts Field.


One is one bridge, that is incomplete/unfinished and the traffic crosses over the river:








The second issue is the floating houses located near this area:






Here the Magneto / Gene Gray doing






My mesh is set to 5  and this is the only area in the scenery with this issue and the bridge. Great scenery by the way!


I'll wait for your comments





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Hi Nick


Good to know but does this mean it is going to be amended or is it that way?


What about the levitation?


I have a question about Free Mesh.


I have set it in my FTX Central insertion point above Orbx products. Should these be placed below?   I wonder if this set up could be causing my floating issues in several sceneries.. but don't want to touch/change anything (to avoid creating a mess) until I receive appropriate advice.







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Hi Nick and @MishaCajic


After having moved the Free Meshes below Orbx I can confirm that the issues with Dubrovnik seemed to be fixed (floating buildings and the airstrip turning black) so we're done Misha


But unfortunately didn't fix the floating ones in KSFF


All the floating buildings are located only and within this red circle:








Hope you can guide me on how to fix this.






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G'day Carlos, 


The floating autogen house problem is an issue with the core P3D/FSX engine that has been known for years, unfortunately we don't have too much control over it. The instances where it causes problems are random (and can change, even on the same machine), however there are a couple of common factors: 

1. It is more common in areas with high resolution mesh (KSFF ships with ultra-high 5m DEM).

2. It is more likely to happen on hilly terrain. 

3. Particularly in P3D, we have noticed that some issues are augmented by some third-party meshes. 


So with that said, a couple of things to try; 

1. Refreshing the scenery library mid-flight often fixes the issue (making a small change to your scenery library is an easy way to properly refresh)

2. Try temporarily disabling your freemesh and see if this helps. 


Beyond this, unfortunately there isn't much that can be done from our end. 



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10 hours ago, Jarrad Marshall said:

G'day Carlos, 


The floating autogen house problem is an issue with the core P3D/FSX engine that has been known for years, unfortunately we don't have too much control over it. The instances where it causes problems are random (and can change, even on the same machine), however there are a couple of common factors: 

1. It is more common in areas with high resolution mesh (KSFF ships with ultra-high 5m DEM).

2. It is more likely to happen on hilly terrain. 

3. Particularly in P3D, we have noticed that some issues are augmented by some third-party meshes. 


So with that said, a couple of things to try; 

1. Refreshing the scenery library mid-flight often fixes the issue (making a small change to your scenery library is an easy way to properly refresh)

2. Try temporarily disabling your freemesh and see if this helps. 


Beyond this, unfortunately there isn't much that can be done from our end. 





Hi Jarrad


Thank you very much for your clear and extend explanation.

I'll proceed accordingly and if it doesn't get better, now I understand is out of your control, so you may close the case


Thank you both!


Have a great weekend

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