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KFCA Display Issue


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Good Morning,


Bought KGPI yesterday and installed fine. However, when I loaded it I have this:






I searched for a duplicate AFCAD or any other references to KFCA or even KGPI and only found these, which according to Holger in a P3D V3 forum thread are correct:




I uninstalled everything NRM related, including all airports and took a look one layer at a time. Started with just OLC NA and that looked fine. Added NRM and got this:








To me there is a duplicate AFCAD there somewhere because there are two runway textures there at different elevations but I can't find one anywhere. I have never installed anything for KFCA and have looked everywhere, Addon file, entire Scenery folder, etc. Also checked insertion points in Central and they are where they are supposed to be. I also checked for AEC's but none showed up for KFCA.


Thanks for any ideas or help.


Edit: Changed name to KFCA to be fair to the new scenery, it appears to be a NRM issue.



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Your second and third entries above, those bgls should be turned off.  Furthermore, there's another file in Scenery\World\scenery you seem to be missing--KFCA_MOD_ADEP4_GRJ_ALT.bgl.

Perhaps start all over again with a re-install of KGPI and a clean re-install of FTX NRM? 

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Put me down for the same issue. Purchased on 2018-08-31 and tried D/L'ing via FTXCv3 - anywhere between 1.46GB and 1.60GB it would fail. That was from about 8PM EDT to 2AM 2018-09-01. Tried once more via FTXC this morning with same result - D/L failed, so I finally went and did a D/L of the file for manual install via FTXC. One hiccup on that download with IDM, but got it resumed and finished. FTXC appears to have installed it correctly. I then ran Vector for ELEV. Corrections.

Even in Avatar mode the avatar is somewhat sunk into the ground, but walk into the building or go street side,he's on level turf (to a point). The file KFCA_MOD_ADEP4_GRJ_ALT.bg is in the Scenery/World/scenery folder. Other than using UTLive, and various add-on sceneries (freeware and payware), I have a mainly clean install on all items. I have tried an uninstall of and re-install of GPI with same results.

I have a brand new computer and it took me nearly a week to D/L all my ORBX items and set up my aircraft. The only other thing I have added is the Logitech (Saitek) Flight Yoke System and Thrustmaster Rudder Pedals. System specs are: Jetline Systems GTA2  running WIndowsi 10 Home, 7-8700K  6 core @ 3.70GHz; 32GB RAM,1TB SSD and a 4TB HDD, EVGA GeForce 1080ti 11gb with liquid cooling system.

Up until this install of GPI everything was working fine. Global, Vector, all released NA regions/NAlc, Most of the Europe regions, with only a couple airports with EUlc; AUS and NZNI/SI and almost all airports for AUS and all so far released for NZ. 

My GPI info (highlight ID code as this was copied from my email receipt):

The products you ordered have been added to your account.

Your transaction ID / receipt number is 5b89ecd966c47.

KGPI Glacier Park International Airport


Thanks for any help!


Ken Wood




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Finally, resolved! And in my 25+ years of flight sims it was a strange one. I decided to take a look at the stock AFCAD so went through ADE to open the stock KFCA file and ADE said not found. I searched the Scenery folder and actually found the file but it was corrupted, I guess. Thought about it a bit and decided to do a P3D Scenery update. Followed Elaine's excellent instructions and updated, re-installed Global Base (really important!), HD Trees and viola:






I don't know what happened to the file but obviously somewhere along the way it got trashed. Maybe this will help someone else but mark this one resolved.


And I have to say GPI is a stunning airport. TD did a marvelous job and the performance is wonderful. Great job TD!

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  • 1 year later...

Well incase some of you are still having elevation problem. This is how I just fixed KGPI elevation. FYI, I have fsaerodata installed and the navdata/world update from the www.aero.sors.fr site. This is the post I made on fsaerodata forum yesterday. Hope this helps anyone who may have this problem 



Thank you for responding quickly. I managed to fix it but have a question. Before I get to question here is what my problem was:

1) I had changed KFCA to KGPI over a year ago before I bought KGPI from ORBX. I changed it via the free app Aie (Airport Inspector and Editor Revision History). I changed it back and ORBX KGPI worked like it should no elevation problems.

2) I reinstalled my navaids and world updates via the www.aero.sors.fr site and noticed the elevation problem returned. What I did was replaced the
APX17140.bgl. I basically copied the default APX17140.bgl into the aero.sors Worldupdate/0201/scenery folder PRIOR to running the Install . After that KGPI was correct again.

3) lastly I installed Fsaerodata and all Icons checked in the options. Ran KGPI and elevation problem returned. I then went back to fsaerodata menu...DISABLED Fsaerodata, Then UNCHECKED icao designators in options and ran ENABLED again and KGPI works again.

This is too much for a simple addon. My question is , Fsaerodata comms/navdata etc is located very low in my scenery library. it is definitely lower than all my orbx addons. I cant seem to get it to the top because my scenery library is greyed out with addons such as FSDreamteam, flightbeam, orbx, etc.

Should I even bother moving it up to the top (However that may be done) or not since the elevation problem is Fixed???

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