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NA AI Traffic for V4

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Welcome Yarddart.


I'm surprised that with UTLive, you need more traffic.  That is what is flying around and parked at the moment and I'm a bit surprised you want more.





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1 hour ago, Yarddart said:

I cannot get this AI NA traffic addon to actually show any aircraft. I also have UTlive installed. Wondering if it is possible for both to be functional at the same time.

Hello.  I can confirm that they both work at the same time.  Where are you flying that the AI NA traffic doesn't show up?

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The GA models and variety are lacking with UTlive. I was looking for an alternative. I was flying in the east coast US... which I later found out that Orbx north America traffic apparently means west coast US..... Bummer.


I would like to point out, North America is all of the US and Canada, so  deceptive title of the Add-on.

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welcome to the forums.

It is regrettable that your expectations of this free product have not been met.

However it is described as:


Orbx is proud to offer this superb AI traffic package covering GA traffic across our North American Regions and FTX airports.

which is not in the least bit misleading.

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Someone may or may not purchase a product based upon all of your offerings, especially given the steep price of the base package. Is it freeware when it requires the base package? sort of, sort of not. Maybe you should change it to "across our west coast US regions"?

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It's freeware when the base package can be used with or without enhancements which is the case here.


Frankly, I don't see what you're arguing about.  I


With Orbx you get what you get and that's it.


If you don't like what you've got fair enough.  Just don't use it any more.





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1 hour ago, Yarddart said:

Someone may or may not purchase a product based upon all of your offerings, especially given the steep price of the base package. Is it freeware when it requires the base package? sort of, sort of not. Maybe you should change it to "across our west coast US regions"?

So you're excluding western Canada from North America?  That isn't the case with the AI package.

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15 minutes ago, Caribbflyer said:

So, does the AI package work for you with UTLive in ORBX regions and airports or not?  I cannot get them to play together and like you am tired of seeing the same 3 GA aircraft in UTLive.





 UTL and ORBX AI traffic works perfectly fine together. If using the AU AI you will have to decide whether you want UTL OR ORBX airline traffic so that you don't have duplicates but they do play well together.

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4 hours ago, Caribbflyer said:

So, does the AI package work for you with UTLive in ORBX regions and airports or not?  I cannot get them to play together and like you am tired of seeing the same 3 GA aircraft in UTLive.




Yes,  as Dave states, they do work together.  However, I have many more AI with UTL than you seem to indicate, including Piper Senecas, Piper Navajos, Beech King Air 350s, Beech Baron 58s, Cessna 208s, Cessna 206s, and a few other assorted models which I forget atm.  Needless to say, I have to be careful with my in-sim AI settings, or else things bog down a little in busy areas.

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1 hour ago, Stewart Hobson said:

Yes,  as Dave states, they do work together.  However, I have many more AI with UTL than you seem to indicate, including Piper Senecas, Piper Navajos, Beech King Air 350s, Beech Baron 58s, Cessna 208s, Cessna 206s, and a few other assorted models which I forget atm.  Needless to say, I have to be careful with my in-sim AI settings, or else things bog down a little in busy areas.

And the good thing with UTL is that you can adjust the traffic density while flying. E. g. when you enter Seattle coming from the rural neighborhood...

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My UT Live is the same as yours Stewart and I certainly don't need AI.  All my airports are stocked with the aircraft that are parked in them at the actual time and are taxiing and landing and I have to slot in with them.  The program may need to do a bit of jiggery pokery to allow me to slot in  but other than that everything seems to me to be as real as a simulator could possibly be.



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