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The case of the vanishing autogen and blurries

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Odd one this, not seen it before but hoping for some pointers from the experts here!


Flying between Goodwood and Old Warden, and this happened both on the way down to Goodwood and then on the return leg back to Old Warden, around about overhead Heathrow the autogen stops spawning at anything like a normal rate.  The autogen over in the distance in London looks white, and I very quickly find myself flying over terrain that has no autogen and very blurred.  If I pause the sim, then the terrain catches up and once again everything is being presented correctly.

I am guessing it has to do with their being, at that particular position, and the fact that there is a lot of autogen being drawn in the London and EGLL area.  I have a monster of a new system and looking at Project Lasso the system doesn't seem overly stressed when this happens. 

Flying in other areas I don't have the same issue and it's not a problem I have had before in this area. 

I have latest updates etc.

Using P3Dv4.3

Any pointers/comments would be much appreciated :)


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According to some discussions over at avsim.com and an extensive analysis by Rob Ainscough (see video below), this is what we can expect when using P3Dv4.x with unlimited FPS and/or modified FFTF values. The more stress on your machine due to autogen, the earlier the autogen drawing stops and never recovers (unless re-loading the scenery). Only "fix" so far: use a reasonable internal frame limit, e.g. 30FPS.



In the end, this is not really surprising. Both unlimited FPS and FFTF values below 0.33 greatly improve the FPS. And as you never get more FPS "for free", there must be a tradeoff somewhere and it seems that at least the autogen loading is part of it.

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The P3D v4 support forum is for support for problems encountered with Orbx products

used in P3D. It is not a support forum for P3D, LM have one of those already.

I think the diagnosis of the problem in the opening post is correct and that even

a monster of a new system will have trouble until the basic problem is addressed.

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22 hours ago, Dreamsofwings1 said:

Thanks both, I already run mine locked at 30fps through NvInspector and it seems to be a problem that has suddenly developed rather than one that was always there.

Apologies Nick, I wasn't sure if it was purely P3D or not hence why I posted here. 


Locked in nvidia inspector does not work to address the problem as identified. It has to be locked in the sim internally.

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There is a YouTube video in which the poster suggests locking frame rates at the video monitor default setting, i.e 60 for example. I have an older NVIDIA 760gtx and have been using this guideline for a few days. So far, so good....no blurries, stutters, etc...Obviously a lot of other settings play into the final result and no one solution may be gold for all of us.


 There is also this thread at the Pepar3d forum on AVSIM





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39 minutes ago, shermank said:

There is a YouTube video in which the poster suggests locking frame rates at the video monitor default setting, i.e 60 for example. I have an older NVIDIA 760gtx and have been using this guideline for a few days. So far, so good....no blurries, stutters, etc...Obviously a lot of other settings play into the final result and no one solution may be gold for all of us.


 There is also this thread at the Pepar3d forum on AVSIM





Cheers Sherm


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On ‎8‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 1:49 PM, Dreamsofwings1 said:

Thanks both, I already run mine locked at 30fps through NvInspector and it seems to be a problem that has suddenly developed rather than one that was always there.

Apologies Nick, I wasn't sure if it was purely P3D or not hence why I posted here. 


5 hours ago, Dreamsofwings1 said:


Good to know Glenn, thanks for that. 

Will give it a try.


Interesting results.  Still had same issue, in pretty much the exact same spot, but this time round limiting FPS in P3D rather than Nvi inspector did seem to make the recovery faster.

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What's working great for me is a locked FPS at 60 in P3D (my monitor is 60 Hz) and using FFTF of 0.1  That way, I almost have the same FPS that unlimited gave me, with the goods of running a locked FPS for better scenery loading. Try the FFTF that will runs better for your configuration (hardware & software).



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Whilst I agree with Nick that this is a LM issue (and I think the Avsim thread covers it well) ... I think it's worth pointing out here that it really is NOT an ORBX scenery issue (!).


You might think it's a scenery problem at first sight, but I had exactly the same issue myself. I generally fly with all autogen and detail maxed out (for screenshotting) and with my TFR now locked, I get absolutely no blurries - and see my ORBX scenery in all its glory all the way through a flight.


That thread over at Avsim is long (and interesting) ... I suggest people go there!




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Thanks all, I will check out the AVSIM thread. 

I should say that my scenery is perfect pretty much 99% of the time.  I even flew east from White Waltham towards London City Airport and although my FPS dropped considerably the autogen kept up with no blurries.  This seems to be an issue relating to a flight path that travels abeam London where once the city autogen pops up, the scenery ahead of the aircraft starts to miss a beat.  Anyway, not a discussion for here by the looks of it so thanks again for the help all.

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