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NA General Aviation P3Dv4

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With the new NA General Aviation P3Dv4, how should I set my AI sliders in P3Dv4. Do they influence the level of AI traffic with the new package, or should I set them at zero as the new package sets the level automatically?



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Hi Don. Was just looking at your post and Nicks reply and I noticed your specs. You have more or less the same Setup as me, I have an i5 plus the 1060, but I noticed you only have 8 gig memory where as I have 16gig. Not sure but perhaps Nick could verify that I think you would be better of with 16gig of memory especially with all the new scenery coming out. Not sure. Derek.

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3 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello Don ,

as with all other AI, the in game sliders control the density


Ok, thanks Nick. So using the in-game sliders, does the NA freeware package suppress LM's P3dv4 AI traffic?



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1 hour ago, Dadtom65 said:

Hi Don. Was just looking at your post and Nicks reply and I noticed your specs. You have more or less the same Setup as me, I have an i5 plus the 1060, but I noticed you only have 8 gig memory where as I have 16gig. Not sure but perhaps Nick could verify that I think you would be better of with 16gig of memory especially with all the new scenery coming out. Not sure. Derek.

It would seem to me that adding more memory would depend on how many programs you have running concurrently with the sim.  There may be other factors, such as texture resolution (4096 vs. 2048), but I'm not sure about this.

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4 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello Don,

the slider affects all traffic.

The FTX traffic control panel offers you the choice of having default traffic as well or not.

Ok, thanks again Nick. I'm just trying to understand the interaction between default AI traffic and that added by the new NA AI package. So, if for example I select default + NA AI traffic, and set the slider for 20% GA traffic, NA AI traffic is integrated in a co-ordinated way with default traffic...and perhaps the NA AI package introduces GA traffic at airports not otherwise covered by default GA traffic?


Just interested,



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  • 11 months later...
On 6/22/2018 at 9:49 PM, donbrindles said:

I'm just trying to understand the interaction between default AI traffic and that added by the new NA AI package. So, if for example I select default + NA AI traffic, and set the slider for 20% GA traffic, NA AI traffic is integrated in a co-ordinated way with default traffic...and perhaps the NA AI package introduces GA traffic at airports not otherwise covered by default GA traffic?




I'm actually having the same question right now, after reinstalling P3D 4.5, all the NA Orbx Regions and some Orbx airports. As far as I can tell, having the "P3D default traffic" box in the NA General Aviation control panel in FTX Centra unticked removes all default AI traffic. The effect can be easily checked by pushing ingame AI sliders to 100% for both general aviation and commercial traffic. Within the Orbx North American Regions (also including the California Regions), you get lots of Orbx general aviation traffic at airfields that are general-aviation focused. At large international airports, you often get no traffic at all, because the default commercial air traffic gets removed by having the box unticked in FTX central.


If you tick the box in FTX central, it seems both types of traffic, default and Orbx, will get mixed together within the North American Orbx regions. As far as I can see, you get P3D default livery commercial planes at large airports and also general aviation at smaller airports. What I have not been able to definitely check so far is if the resulting general aviation traffic within the NA regions then uses both the default P3D models as well as some of the Orbx models.

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