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Default buildings in YBUD

Eugene Kremlev

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Hello Eugene,


Those 3 buildings are from the P3D YBUD stock airfield \scenery\1105\scenery\APX88400.bgl  But not quite in the right location, they are shifted about 50meters from their normal position on the GA parking apron, but while they are showing in the FTX YBUD version they appear on the grass taxiway. These 3 stock YBUD buildings should be hidden by the FTX YBUD exclude.

I have no idea why the Exclude is not working in your sim, I do not use P3D, perhaps your stock APX88400.bgl is corrupt or you have a Scenery.cfg / Orbx installation problem.
There was a customer a while back who had problems with his Stock KJAX airfield in P3Dv4.1 in the same manner, only it was the runway causing conflict. The stock APX for KJAX was replaced and the problem fixed. Maybe this is the same I don't really know? perhaps Nick could jump back in and make suggestion how to solve.


Here is my ADE for YBUD showing the Stock field and the buildings, note the position of yours.



Here is Stock YBUD showing those exact 3 default buildings, note they are adjacent the GA parking apron.



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Hello again,

since the problem seems to be unique to you, I can't see that a developer's input is going to help.

As I have also installed the product into a "clean sim" and see neither the buildings nor the windsock in the taxiway,

it is very hard to make a further suggestion.

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I believe this is a P3D V4 issue. The option to exclude ‘All’ in the ADE file does not work on this platform. It needs to have the separate elements such as ‘Windsocks’, ‘Taxi Signs’ etc ticked and the exclude should then work fine.


I’m away from my flight sim computer for the next few days but If no one else sorts this, I’ll fix it when I am back home.

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I just did a fresh install of YBUD, and I do see the default buildings and windsock too.  I have P3D V4.2 (Client update only from P3D V4.1).


I also had the issue with KJAX, which was mentioned above, and I think I solved that by using the P3D V3 equivalent APX file.  I am yet to try that for this issue, but I notice the APX files are slightly different sizes between P3D V3 and P3D V4. 


Edit:  P3D V3 file nor Nick's APX file made any difference.  It's strange that only some installations are affected.







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Can you please uninstall YBUD and download the P3D V4 version again. I fixed a couple of files in that pack two or three months back and I believe Ed has now rolled those changes into the current installer. They were P3D V4 issues only so no other versions were effected.

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I believe this is actually a P3D problem.  As I said above, I have P3D V4.2, with a client update only from P3D V4.1.  I was trying a few things with ADE, and when I tried to open the APX88400.bgl file to see which airports were in it, ADE came up with an error "failed to compile bgl" indicating there was some corruption.


Replacing the four associated files with the P3D V3 versions has fixed the issue for me, but as the files are much different in size, I'm not sure what side effects there may be.


I still can't figure out why only some installations are affected unfortunately.





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Hello Scott.


I wonder if the fact I don't see the spurious buildings or the windsock is

because I have not updated the P3D v4 scenery.

At present, I have:

Client version 4.2.

Content version 4.1 and

scenery version 4.0

I have no problem with the APX88400.bgl file, please note the ADE version.



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Hi Nick and Jeff,


That could be it.  Maybe the fault was introduced in P3D V4.1.  That was the first version of P3D V4 I installed.


My client is P3D V4.2.  My content and scenery are P3D V4.1.


Do you think you could attach the four files associated with YBUD from your P3D V4.0 scenery, so I can test?


They are:













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Thanks Nick,


I have already narrowed it down to either the APX file or OBX file (or both), as I have replaced just these 2 files with the P3D V3 equivalents, and the objects don't appear.  I will test with the P3D V4.0 versions and report back.



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Hello Scott, Eugene, Jeff and Graham,


I just happen to have a second installation of P3D,

this one has 

Client 4.2

Content 4.1

Scenery 4.1

so as Graham has of course already told us, something in scenery 4.1 is the cause.

Just around the corner, I also have the windsock in the taxiway.:)



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Here is what I have found.


First thing I noticed is that the files from P3D V4.0 seem to be the exact same files as those from P3D V3.4, as they are the
same size in bytes.

Replaced APX88400.bgl only - Default buildings still visible

Replaced OBX88400.bgl only - Default buildings removed from scenery

Original (P3DV4.1/4.2) APX88400.bgl file opens OK using the correct P3D V4 compatible verison of ADE, so it seems to not be
corrupt as I originally thought.


It may be that the exclusions used in the YBUD scenery are not compatible with the newer versions of the files included in the
Scenery/1105 folder, but do work with the older versions of these files.  The ADEX file and exclusions may need to be
recompiled using the latest P3D V4.1 or P3D V4.2 SDK, but that's just a guess.


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