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Floating Buildings

Mike Sherwood

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I am having major problems with Floating buildings in and around Anacortes airport (74S) in Washington USA.


We are using the Pacific NW ORBX data base with the extra Anacortes and Scagit airports.


When starting from the naval air station at Whidbey island which is outside the 74S area and Flying to Anacortes we end up with literally dozens of building floating as much as 20 to 30 feet in the air.


If we start at Anacortes these buildings are fine unless we fly out of the Anacortes area and back in again at which point the building are floating again.

The buildings that float are all autogenerated not the buildings that are part of the Anacortes model. My suspicion is that the PNW terrain is not the same as the Anacortes Terrain and that these buildings are being placed at the PNW altitude in error.  I have tried reducing the autodraw distance to the minimum and the problem largly reduces, but when on Normal or above the problem gets worse.

As far as I can tell the same problem does not exist with auto generated vegetation.

Mike Sherwood

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Hi Doug


Thanks for your reply.

That was my first thought having looked at this forum but our mesh is set to 5m as recommended by ORBX.

It does not alter the problem. I wonder if its something to do with the fact that the Anacortes data base is in more than one piece. 

See attached picture.


Its really quite frustrating. You can of course refresh the scenery once back in the area and the building reattach themselves to the terrain, but this is very disruptive.


Any other ideas?


Anacortes area.png

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As far as I remember this has always been a issue here with many reports in the past. I too get the floating houses here but not all the time. The only solution is to refresh your scenery. The floating house phenomena is a well documented  issue with FSX and P3D and Orbx scenery's.  Josh

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Hi Doug


Unfortunately I cant send a copy of this file as the sim is some miles away and I cant get to it for a couple of weeks.

I do however have some photos of its Scenery Library that I took recently.

Hopefully these may help.

If not I will get the scenery.cfg files when next I visit.



Spitfire scenery lib -1.png

Spitfire scenery lib -2.png

Spitfire scenery lib -3.png

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Hi Mike


Yes thanks, that works for me as well....everything looks good there.

As FreeBird has suggested, it is a known simulator limitation and not an Orbx product issue. 

I did some flying around the area and did find some floating buildings east of KNUW, but no floating buildings on the 74S island.

I tried the same exercise with P3Dv4 and found the same.






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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been flying around the west coast in PNW, NorCal and SoCal regions without a problem.  Then a week ago I upgraded to a new, powerful computer from Jetline Systems.  I followed Nick's recommendation of copying over my Orbx folder and transferring it to the new computer.  The in SoCal (L88, KTHM, & KRAL) I had the floating building issue pop up.  Rather strange, actually; at KTHM the roofs were at ground level, but the walls of building were suspended about 100'  above ground.  At L88 and KRAL it was the opposite.  On a hunch, and a remark elsewhere in this forum, I uninstalled the SoCal Region, and re-installed it.  Problem solved; buildings are on the ground where they belong.  While I did not notice the problem in other regions, I did the same with all as a precaution.  Took about a hour.


Cannot guarantee that this is everyone's problem with this issue, but in this case it worked.  Hopes this helps.



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