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Although it is winter in the UK, why is it assumed that the country will be turned into a winter wonderland in FTX EU ENG/SCO? It is rare that there will be snow cover except on high ground. Even in Scotland only the mountains appear white. Of course, autumn or spring could be selected to give a green landscape, this would radically alter the day length and sunrise/sunset times. Our day length in Scotland is still only 6-7 hours in mid winter BUT there is no snow around the coast. Could we have a switch for green/white winter?

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1 hour ago, Scotflieger said:

Our day length in Scotland is still only 6-7 hours in mid winter BUT there is no snow around the coast. Could we have a switch for green/white winter?


I think if you make it 1st February or 31st December you will get around it.

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Hi Holger


Thank you for the links. It helps to explain what is happening but as I pointed out does not cope with the short winter day lengths and no snow. At present at 57N our day length is increasing - slow in Jan but accelerating to 4-5min a day in March. Is there not a way to override the table settings? They are obviously linked to the system date.

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Hi there,


you have three choices:


1. use the FTX British Isles Region's configuration as is.


2. deactivate the FTX UK control file (seasons_FTX_UK+IRL.bgl, in \ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_EU_SCO_08_CUSTOM\scenery), which means the default seasons control file will take over that places less snow in January. Note that each of the FTX British Isles Regions contains a copy of that same seasons_FTX_UK+IRL.bgl file in their respective _08_CUSTOM\scenery folder, so you'll need to deactivate all copies! 


3. switch the flight date to a different month.


Pick your poison B)


Cheers, Holger

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I would do the following as a workaround,


The shortest day is 22/12, so in order to not have snow on the ground and the correct day length, simply set the sim to the same number of days before the 22nd as it is after in reality. 


Eg, for 1st Jan, set your simdate to 12/12 (this is 10 days before 22/12 meaning that the ground won't have snow on it and the day should be almost an identical length).

For today 22/12 + 25, set to 27/11....  right up to 31/01 which is 40 days after so becomes 12/11.


Not ideal, but the snow is hard wired in the code so can't be changed.

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