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Some Questions, Airport-Worldwide-Graphics

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I have the full global pack and using rex 4 texture direct for the ground runaway improvements that I do like :) 


-I had HD airport graphics before orbx, It seems that both together looks so bad that I removed "Airport Graphics" since orbx looks way cooler


So Is there are addons like REX Worldwide Airports that will work with orbx or I'm just better off not having it and use texture direct to improve the runaways 

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Hello Stewart,

perhaps if I had added this screen shot?

You can see that before running the program, one must select which simulator to install the textures to.

Once you have added the root folder and selected the correct simulator, Rex do the rest.

In this image, P3D v3 is selected but the path is to V4 and the textures are successfully installed there.




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