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Perth Australia ORBX problem


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I'm really hoping someone can help me.

I have P3DV4.1 and orbx Australia pack, YPJT pack and the global scenary.

Unfortunately, the Perth city centre is nothing like correct. Some of the large buildings are present, but the rest isn't even close. Compare that to the YPJT plugin - and that is absolutely superb down to every last detail.

On a different thread, I was advised to install the Global libraries which are installed according to FTX. However, they don't seem to be in my scenary list. In addition, I cannot uninstall the global librarys and try to re-install from the large 2+Gb Zip file.

If anyone could help, I would be very grateful.




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Hello Dave,

this is how you can reinstall the libraries:





1. If FTX Central v3 does not automatically update the libraries, you can go to

ORBX\User Documents\Versions\ and delete FTX_AA_ORBXLIBS.TXT .

Run FTX Central again and only the files that you need will be downloaded and installed.




When you reinstall, here is how to use your downloaded file.



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Perth city centre hasn't been upgraded by ORBX to any degree so you're stuck with what was provided in the original flight sim release.  There are some freeware upgrades to Perth Airport but that's about it for Perth unfortunately. 


For the libraries, FTX Central will tell you if they're installed, under the FTX Global Range you'll see an icon for Orbx Libraries, click on that you'll get a screen that should say This product is installed and up-to-date.  If it does there's nothing further you need to do.  Also, if the libraries weren't installed properly, YPJT wouldn't display correctly.



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Hi both,

Thanks for your help with this.

So then it looks like my scenary library is correct and the orbx Global range is doing what it should be? If so, it's such a shame as the Perth skyline is poor - when YPJT is so professional!

I sort of assumed when I bought the Australia plugin, it would have included accurate skylines - one of the reasons I splashed out - so disappointed to find out the hard way.

I guess I will have to hunt for some freeware if it's not any problem with my setup.




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I just had a look for Perth freeware and couldn't find any other than YPPH stuff.  I guess my message about FS is enjoy what you enjoy and find a way to ignore what you don't, because there will always be aspects of sceneries that will disappoint.

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