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Hard Winter in Lowi


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Hi all,


may sound silly but how do i get the hard winter textures? I set the time to winter but that is not enough. I then set the temperature to -7°C in AS4 but still no luck.

Any help?

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On 11/26/2017 at 3:34 PM, Doug Sawatzky said:



I set my simulator date to January 31 and this is what I see....I am not sure what the date range for hard winter textures would be, but go ahead and experiment with dates.  :)







Did the same. Worked like a charm

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Hi guys, 


As has been pointed out, you will need to change your simulator date to reflect seasonal changes (including snow). 


The dates for seasonal changes differ around the world, in fact one of the unique features of our FTX Regions and some FTX Global Airports (including LOWI) are custom seasonal variation files, which more accurately reflect changes compared to the default. 


In the case of Innsbruck, you can see the changes reflected as below: 


Heavy Winter: Jan-Feb (complete snow coverage)

Winter: Nov-Dec & March (snow coverage at higher elevations only)

Spring: Apr-May

Summer: Jun-Sep

Autumn/Fall: Sep-Oct




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