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Moving Windows Temp files


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Sorry to bring this up again but just found out my C drive is getting rather full especially after last Win update . Tried to find the answers, thought it was Tips and Tricks, did find it the other day. Anyway my question is when I create the folders on another drive do I still call them Temp and TMP or should they be some thing else. Thanks Derek.

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9 hours ago, Dadtom65 said:

Right let’s get this right, so if I wanted it on my D driver do I create a new folder called TMP and another for Temp or an I cut and paste the folders to the D drive. Sorry if I seem stupid. Derek.


No, don't do a cut and paste Derek. Just follow the instructions in the post from Nick, which Smudger shows above.

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If you want it on your D: drive, because that has plenty of space, just create a new Temp folder on there, then follow Nicks guide.

I have created the steps in pictures for you, but am getting the -200 error when trying to upload it. Seems it is not sorted yet or I have a problem at my end.


Relocate System Temp Folder.docx



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I managed to screw up things royally. I did change the TEMP and TMP files to my D Drive. In the process, I notice a reference to the Orbx temp files. I evidently made a major mistake and edited that line to direct the file structure also to my D Drive. Then I could not reopen FTX Central. I get a popup message asking me to find a log file and send it in for analysis. Short of that is there a quick fix, perhaps reinstalling FTXC. Thanks



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Hi Smudger. Yep I've done that though I put it through like it said but on my d drive. One thing I've noticed though is that on the C drive there were some temp internet files and the size was 13gb so I tried to get rid of them but they are locked like with a padlock. It seems as a lot of people have been on about this and seems its happened since after the last update. If I could have got rid of them, that would have been enough. Just had a look at my D drive and its got users\ Dad's and after that should have been Temp but nothing showing. Might have to do it again. At the moment  theirs only 21gb left on my C drive which was a 120 gb one. Derek.

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The folder should be named just Temp. Right click and rename it.

In my case I moved it to E: drive and my path in Environment Variables is = E:\Temp\Temp, so yours should be = D:\Temp\Temp when you open the folder on D: drive you will see it has created another Temp folder inside.

I also have an IETemp folder that it placed in there, total size is 34GB but that also includes my Page file that I moved off of C: drive.

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