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three or four from Sydney and Tasmania


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Three from Sydney in the default Connie -




Night shots with lots of lights always were a problem for me in v3. At 4k I saw a lot of OOMs or crashes. But now . .



And the lights go way out over there . . .



And down a bit, over Tasmania in the Legacy. These are pretty dark, but if you've got a big monitor with good colour balance they're worth a look. Again, the level of detail and the lighting is amazing





This is where Bermuda can dig out an appropriate music clip, I suspect -





And this is just the beginning! Active Sky and Rex are promising updates soon, all the utilities I use for v3 are coming good, it looks like porting my hangar across may not be too problematical, and then of course there will be all that lovely ORBX scenery coming across as well. And to top it all, I think I've found a decent builder who can do a bunch of the jobs I've been putting off out in the garden! Life is good!

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10 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Andy, these are amazing.  Did A2A release the Connie installer yet?  Or are you using your magic that helped me get the Duke in V4?


Hi Jack, this is just the built-in Connie.

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