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Hi All. Just doing another install and whant to know. Installing things like global Base and Vector should I run FSX after every install or can I load a lot and then run FSX. Same with airports, can I install all of them and then run the configuration tool or should I do it after every airport. Plus the configuration tool is just for the airports yes ?. Derek.

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No need to run FSX after each install. You can install everything one-after-the-other. The airport configuration can be run at any time - either after each airport install or after they are all installed. Some other products can also be configured (Regions, LC, etc.) and also have individual control panels.



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Thanks Doug for your reply, now I know what to do. All so been having a bit of trouble with FSX stopping after a short while and it was only after going into the Event viewer and saw it was some thing to do with the FSX.exe and so deleted it and restarted FSX and now all ok I hope. Derek.

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Triplane is correct.  You don't need to.  But I run FSX after installing each product.  It seems to solidify the install somehow.  Just my opinion.  It takes a bit of extra time and doesn't hurt anything.

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One problem with a 'mass scenery install' without running FSX is that IF you do have a problem there is no way to determine which installed scenery is the culprit.  One at a time is more work but if its a bad install you have a very good idea which scenery is causing the difficulty.


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6 hours ago, spud said:

One problem with a 'mass scenery install' without running FSX is that IF you do have a problem there is no way to determine which installed scenery is the culprit.  One at a time is more work but if its a bad install you have a very good idea which scenery is causing the difficulty.


I have to concur with spud on this one. You have to decide what will be more work....installing each scenery or airport package one at a time, or all the time spent troubleshooting trying to find out which of those caused a problem.

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18 hours ago, Stewart Hobson said:

Question:  If installing Region A, or Airport B, didn't cause problems the first time they were installed, why would they cause problems the next time you want to install them, assuming you're installing into the setup/flight sim as before?



Theoretically your absolutely correct.  If a scenery.zip file installed previously didn't cause any problems it should not do so if the same .zip file was installed again.  However if you re-install FSX from the DVD's your probably not duplicating your old sim as more that likely you had made tweaks, additions or changes over time.  It is of course 'dealer's choice' for the user but I'll stick to checking after a scenery installation as for me its the K.I.S.S. principle.  Ocassionally with 2 small sceneries I have installed both at once.  Checking for correct running afterward wouldn't be real difficult as either #1 or 2 had to be the culprit.


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