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Continuing from KBVS

Jack Sawyer

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This time I used the Orbx weather theme where it says good for screen shots.


This flight was from KBVS to 3W5, Concrete Muni.  Another gorgeous area.  Wish I could fly this plane there in real life.  It's a wonderful little plane, I really like it.






This looks like a FILOU screen, but his are way better!













Sometimes it seems so real it's spooky.  I can only imagine how this would look like in VR, this fall!  Hopefully this fall I'll have a VR setup.







What a cool place this is.  I'll bet it's great to raise a family here.



With this theme I had a lot of strong winds which made it even more fun.





Time to park up.





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12 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Dandy shotz of your Businessliner cruising above this lush ocean of green!

Thanks Erik.  Yes, lush, I love it in the summer.

12 hours ago, tom2rific said:

great set of shots Jack...I have flown this same route in FSX...but your scenery looks awesome in comparison!


a beaut little plane too..   :)

Thanks Tom!  It's funny how we all seem to do the same thing at times.  Great minds think alike!

8 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

I would be happy with your scenery Jack those are top shots.

I like the ones with the green valley floor, magnificent.

If you are troubled by the wind, best lay off the radishes before flying.:o

Thanks Martyn!  It sure is beautiful and when I'm flying in the sim I sometimes have the sensation that I'm really flying.  I guess I get in the zone.  And radishes, I love 'em and know what you mean by wind.  :lol:

3 hours ago, quietboy said:

Beautiful shots !!!

Thanks quietboy! 

1 hour ago, Iain Emms said:

Grand set of shots.



Thank you Iain!

1 hour ago, mikewies said:

Great series of shots... the plane and scenery are compelling to view... very good images

Thanks Mike!

16 minutes ago, Wakashi said:

Excellent job Jack, those are some mighty fine screens you captured!

Thanks Roger, it's been a lot of fun and I have many more Orbx stops to make.  You should see my wall map, white grease pencil lines connecting all my airports.


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