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How to?


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Trying to post screenshots, but I keep getting told my shots are "too big" and that I can only post a certain size.. I have reduced my screenshots in size, and still get the same response.

What is the correct format for these screenshots? Teecee.

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Hi Teecee


Here's a little guide.





Using imgur as Jack suggested (you don't actually need an account)


Step 1 - click on the green new post in top left hand corner and then select upload images



Step 2 - drag/drop your screenshot into the dotted area




Step 3 - Your screenshot will upload and you will see it displayed. Hover your mouse over the image and you will see a down arrow to the right of "copy" . Select it and then click on "get share links"




Step 4 - You will then be presented with a screen with 4 options. The one you want is BB(Code Forums). Click on copy and then go back to your screenshot topic that you are preparing in Orbx and paste the link into it. If you then click on preview to check it, you will see your screenshot in your note.


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Whoops ...... Sorry everyone!!


There is a rule (which is also related to your wife saying that you're not listening to me!), which is to read all the comments  in a post (Stu's relating to Tim's locked topic) before your post one of your own!


Apologies for the duplication ....






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I have always been able to take my screenshot, and added it to my posts. Now I cannot, at least not on this site.. no biggie as I rarely post screenies anyway.. I really do not want another account specially for adding screenshots to Orbx. Teecee.

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