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PAKT Elevation Problems P3D V3


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I previously had elevation problems in FSX with PAKT that were solved with the Vector cfg tool. This no longer works in P3DV3.  In fact, PAKT is not even shown in the enable/disable airport elevation listings. Also, in the ORBX PAKT cfg airport options, parking spaces are unchecked as not available by default.  If this option is checked, people and aircraft are floating all over the place in these parking areas..  Is there a fix available for this glitch or do I have to schedule all my flights directly from the runways? Is this a unique P3D problem? Has anyone else experienced this anomaly?  I have checked various forums, google and youtube and still have no answer.  Would really appreciate some input.


Thank you,



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This, from an  earlier topic by Dennis



Thanks and here are the boxed add-ons:







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jjaycee1 and Nick:


I do have a new download for P3DV3 from PC Aviator and FSS for not only Pacific Fjords but Central Rockies, Northern California,Northern Rockies Pacific NW and Southern Alaska plus 25 FTX airports that also have been recently re-installed/downloaded and updated.  The quote above was from quite a while back.


Look forward to hearing from you and thanks,



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Hello Dennis,


                     Thank you for your patience, I installed PAKT and I do not have it in Enabled or Disabled as shown below, I also note after running the Configurator PAKT did not show up either, I also tried the Control Panel switching on and off and do not have any issues. By any chance are you viewing the scenery underneath the Modeled Layer? If this is the case traffic and people look like they are floating. Please provide a screenshot of the issue you describe.



39UvIVH.jpg   HFRUgeo.jpg  ga7tEAd.jpg rOMwELP.jpg

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I have the same problem with the parking gates missing. From what i've understood, the option doesnt wor, right? So my question is: why did you allow an option "use this option to allow the two parking spots for P3D 2/3" if it doesnt work? I'm using P3D 3.49. I just don't understand the use of that option if it doesn't work...perhaps someone from the support can explain it?

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On 20.10.2016 at 8:32 PM, Nick Cooper said:

No, it means that there is a chance that the parking gates may work on some systems.

The option to enable them was left there in case a customer with P3D v2 or 3 wishes to try


OK, thanks. Yes that's exactly what i meant :-)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Aside from the parking option comments I have still not received an answer regarding the floating buildings and aircraft at PAKT.   (See my photo above)  I paid for scenery in addition to the runway.  Can anyone offer a suggestion or solution to this problem or am I always going to be stuck on the runway.

Last time I opened FTX Central I was told to submit this copy of my ftx.3 log.  Here it is.





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The "parking comments" are the solution to your question.

The buildings are not floating, if you use the parking spots

you will be placed below them, as you  are in your screen shots.

There is no solution for that problem, as explained in some detail,

so the advice is, do not use the parking spots.

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Un-checking the parking spaces doesn't necessarily prevent you from 

"falling through" the model.

Here are two shots that illustrate what happens.

Here, I am on the apron, sitting on the model that the airport is built on.




However, if I move forward into the building, my aircraft "falls through" the model and I see more or less what you posted.




Obviously, one would not normally taxi through the front wall of a building and if one did, 

would have to accept the consequences but I hope it illustrates the nature of the problem and why

it cannot easily be fixed.

I understand that the problem is slightly more acute in P3D and if you can cure it with Vector, you are very fortunate.

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I have this problem also. With the parking spots unchecked get the floating buildings and aircraft. After I start P3d at PAKT, I press alt, then world, then scenery library, I then just hit OK and everything is back to earth.


Hope this helps, It works for me.



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A great big thanks to both of you guys.  Nick, when I slewed backwards then forward, the scenery/elevation came right back to "normal".  Dan, your alt, world, scenery library "trick" worked perfectly as well. I really enjoy this scenery as I was fortunate to have actually been there on a cruise a few years ago so it was driving me nuts not to be able to fully enjoy it.  You guys made it possible again.  Incidentally Nick, as I mentioned in my posting above, the elevation tool fix only worked in FSX and not P3D.


Very best to you both,




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The reloading of the scenery library in the method described above helps with several "floating buildings" problems in P3D. I get floating houses to the left of the terminal at Dubrovnik on initial startup but then they assume their natural level once i reload the scenery library.

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