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P3Dv3.2 and Orbx EU with regional scenery

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Good day All,

Not sure if anyone else it experiencing this but I'm incurring a huge VAS hit flying out of Heathrow to the Southwest East.  Particularly toward EGKB (VOR) and DET (vor).  The hit would drop from 700MB to 391MB to an Oom.  I conducted a few test flights turning off Orbx and Uk2000 scenery.  Here's what I've used


Heathrow Extended (Aersoft)

747-400v2 IFly

UK2000 (EGKK)

IK2000 (EGSS)

UK2000 (EGJJ)



Orbx - ( I've had to turn off to save on VAS)

  •    EGSG
  • EGKA
  • EGHI
  • EGTF

With the orbx off in the config tool my memory appears to be under control

Can some tell me if there is a memory leak within any one of the scenery



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I don't think a "memory leak" is indicated, given the number of highly detailed addons

and the aircraft that you are attempting to combine.

It may be worth considering that the cause of any out of memory error is always the "last straw".

Which one that is is often a matter of personal choice.

For example, you might find that the OOM doesn't happen if you fly another aircraft or perhaps

if you leave the Orbx scenery alone and disable your extended airport.

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My 2 pence would be that you are trying to fly with all those lovely 3rd party airports installed and active at the same time, heading south east like you say is pretty much going to load all those airports in fully, which in turn will eat away a bit more at your VAS. You have titled this "ORBX EU with regional scenery" are you implying you have FTX England installed or OLC EU? 

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You don't mention what your ai traffic is set to. There are a lot of airports and airfields that your sim will "populate" ai traffic for in that area including Gatwick and believe it or not Paris. This will be a consideration in your settings. I also assume the airports you have from UK2000 are the full fat xtreme versions? Do you use a 3rd party traffic programme like MT6 or just the default ai?

You could also try something like Simstarter which you can programme to disable all other unused scenery for a particular area of the world. Example is I have a profile in SimStarter for Europe which only enables all my FTX EU addons, ENG/Wales/Scot/Irl/N Irl and Norway plus OLC EU. Deactivates all other sceneries like NA/Oceana etc.

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I'm having issues from EGLL now too. Every since migration & Lib update I get OOM coming in from the South East to Heathrow.


I always fly in/out of EGLL (AS verison) - never had issues before the update. 

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