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Air Traffic Control

John York

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I am so fed up with Air Traffic Control. Backwards and forwards to the controllers, giving wrong directions in some instances and, it seems, a built in fault to ensure you miss the approach and have to go-around occasionally. Lockheed Martin have made no attempt to improve it so I'm looking for an alternative.  I had a good one...well...a better one when using FSX but they don't seem to have adapted to P3D.


Anyone got any ideas please?



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If I use ATC, for example for IFR flights, I currently use ProATC X. As many other ATC addons far from being perfect, but so far it did the job. If I am flying GA, I do not care about ATC anymore...

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Thanks fellers.


Had a look at your two suggestions Turboarrow4 and couldn't make head nor tail of IVAO or Vatsim so they're out.   


Had a look at Pro-ATC AnkH and I must say it looks promising.


I watched the video (very impressive) and didn't think they sounded too bad.  Bit like the useless transister radio alarm in my bedroom.:)


My only worry is that it doesn't seem to mention P3D at all and there's no way I'll mess with anything unless its P3D friendly.  I've learned my lesson in that respect.


If it is, I'll have to see if I can use the normal ATC for VFR flights and Pro-ATC for IFR.  I suppose I fly those about 50-50 so flexibility is needed.


Further investigation is therefore required before I commit.


Thanks again to you both.



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If you want to to fly in the US and under VFR, PilotEdge is like VATSIM but permanently manned. It's a paid service.


VOXATC is good and I use it for practicing CAP 413 in the UK. It works using voice recognition and supports SIDs and STARs too.

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I fly like I did when I took my first flying lessons in that old Luscombe.  Just get in and take-off.  If you MUST land at a controlled airport circle away from the pattern and look for light signals from the tower.  I don't guess that happens in P3D but I pretend it does.



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Back in the day I used the built in ATC, but it was frustrating, to say the least.. constant course and altitude changes for no apparent reason..If there is any reasonable method of  flying ATC in prepar3d (V2) I would love to hear about it.

Vatsim is OK I suppose, but only if you constantly fly America, as there is little or no cover in Australia, and I love to fly in Aus, so no go there.. To compensate for the lack of "real" ATC, I have copied (recorded) live ATC at the major ports in Aus and run them as background noise, works for me, but of course you still have the problem of no ATC assistance at any of the ports. Teecee.

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Hi JohnY. There is a new one out, well think it's been rewritten by Oncousre Software and its called PF 3. Plus you can download it and use to try out, all it does until you register it is it stops the sim for a few seconds and then carries on. I have it but havnt got round to using it yet as still reading the 166 page manual. All so you can do VFR and IFR with it. Ther a re a few vids on YouTube about it. Derek.

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I'm for the proatc. I've been using it about 10 months now. I don't have to talk which is good because voice recognition after so many years still isn't very good. The background chatter is good and the voices aren't robotic. It's not perfect but it's been a whole lot less frustrating than others I've tried. I would suggest looking at their website and some youtube vids.

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I used proatc for a while and liked it. Mostly. I stopped using it because it regularly had me landing in the opposite direction of ai aircraft. The biggest problem with stock atc is that course corrections are done in 30 degree increments, when all you need is 5 or 10. 90% of the time I can outthink what atc is trying to do and I make more subtle adjustments. I've found if you turn within 15 degrees of assigned heading they won't hound you to "expedite".

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Yes, well, while I've been searching for a new ATC I've been making do with planning and IFR flight, going through the motions then cancelling IFR after reaching the height and course.   Then I fly the course VFR to within 75 miles or so and then resurrect the IFR and let them land me ILS or Visual.


It seems to work. An alternative I also sometimes use is to get the IFR course in the planner, then alter it to reduce some of the course changes by pulling the lines across which then retains the object of the flight but get's rid of some of the niggling changes and also the ATC controllers asking you to report a flight in sight when its at six o'clock!   That was

perhaps possible when the pilots had wing or cockpit mirrors, but now its a bloody silly piece of computer programming.


With these compromises, I do manage to get in some very enjoyable flights, so, like Terry (nice to hear from you again Teecee) until I can find an ATC for P3D that works similarly to Radar contact I'll give up the search.


Thanks for all your suggestions and comments guys.



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PF3 by oncourse-software is not the only new kid on the block.


The other newcomer is Pilot2ATC v2.


What makes PF3 and Pilot2ATC different to other ATC products is they are both being actively updated with new versions being released at least monthly. Both have demo versions available.


The older Pro-ATC/X and VoxATC products are receiving few updates nowadays. Vox has a demo but ProATC does not.


The venerable RadarContact v4 is now a dead product.

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