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Just now, Bermuda425 said:

Splendid flying. You're enjoying simplicity here!


The SweetFX and HDR mixture gives very good result except for the first shot... a little too much " LumaSharpen settings" inside the SweetFX.

I just solve the problem.

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1 minute ago, Voyager said:

Now great incursion into hue: a little violet and they are most charming!

Wonderful shots these!



Thank Voyager.

The light is so important for me inside my sim.I does not understand why we do not give it more standard consideration.

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8 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Filou, where can I get SweetFX? Is it free or payware?

Yes it's free.

The shots above show My new P3D V 3.2 SweetFX  with my HDR P3D settings.But the only advantage of this mixture happening early morning or late evening for these beautiful colors.Light during the day is catastrophic.Big "FPS" loss too.This is why I did not share this settings.

I will soon share my new Sweetfx settings for P3D V3.2.Each P3D version need another settings...


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