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FTX S. Alaska doesn't work


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Just installed Orbx Southern Alaska. Cannot start FTX Central - it crashes every time with this signature:


Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
  Application Name:    FTXCentral.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:    560e512b
  Fault Module Name:    KERNELBASE.dll
  Fault Module Version:    6.1.7601.18015
  Fault Module Timestamp:    50b83c8a
  Exception Code:    e0434352
  Exception Offset:    0000c41f
  OS Version:    6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:    1033
  Additional Information 1:    0a9e
  Additional Information 2:    0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
  Additional Information 3:    0a9e
  Additional Information 4:    0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Scenery is not loading either. Doesn't appear in my "Add-On Scenery" but I'm not sure where its supposed to appear.


Installed Service Packs 3 and 4 - no effect.


Have a dual FSX:Steam and FSX:Acceleration install. Other than ORBX/FTX Central not working, everything else seems fine. Have been testing in FSX:Steam.



Order Number: FSS0471747






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Second attempt at this post... apparently the previous one was deleted or not approved by moderators. Post about FTX Central in FTX Central forum has been unanswered.


Purchased and installed ORBX Southern Alaska scenery.


FTX Central does not start at all - crashes every time. I posted the debug info the first time.


Scenery does not appear/does not work. I tried manually adding it in FSX-SE. That only screwed up the existing scenery (trees on runways, etc)


Using FSX Steam in coexistence mode with FSX Accleration on Win7 64bit.


My order number is  FSS0471747.


I would like some assistance or a refund, please.

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Hello and welcome to the forums.

As you will see, I have merged your two topics.

As you are using both versions of FSX together, into which one

did you install the product?

Did you also download and install the latest libraries and if so,

into which version have you installed them?

There is no need to install the service packs.

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I installed the scenery into FSX-SE. Have not tried to use it with FSX-A.

I did download and install the latest libraries, also into FSX-SE.


Attempted to uninstall ORBX, to fix the hosed-up default scenery, but there doesn't appear to be anyway to do that other than deleting directories.


When I try to run ftxcentral2_setup.exe fromt the Orbx directory, I get a runtime error (attached to this post).


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As I stated in the original post, I am using Win7 64bit. I do not see anything like that under Control Panel > Programs and Features. The .NET framework does not appear there at all, although I know I had at least one version installed before because I have several other programs that use it.

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Rebooted after install of .NET 4.5.


FTX Central now runs. I did an "apply group" to FTX North America and it shows as active.


But the scenery still does not seem to be working. 


Attached is a screenshot of Anchorage, which looks like the default FSX scenery.


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I tried manually re-adding the scenery. Now I'm back to taxiways covered with trees.


Here is a screenshot of Anchorage with the ORBX scenery manually re-added...


(Also my AI traffic is gone...)




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I would suggest that now you have the required .net framework,

you start again.

Please go to your FSX folder and delete the Orbx folder.

Then go to C:\Users\Your name\AppData\Local and delete the Orbx folder.


Go to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft and look for an FSX folder.

Delete that also, FSX will rebuild it when you restart.

You should not see an FSX-SE folder, if you do please read this topic.

Run FSX up to an aircraft active and then close it down.


Run the installer for South Alaska, the installer should offer you

the option to install to FSX, choose that, not FSX Steam Edition if offered.

Do not install any patches, they are not required for your version.

Then install the latest libraries.

Then run FTX Central, select North America  and click on Apply Group.

The scenery should then work.


For reference, it should look something like this




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OK... but I am wary of changing FSX-SE Coexistence mode in the registry for fear it will break a bunch of other add-ons that rely on it. I do have a FSX-SE folder under  C:\ProgramData\Microsoft.


I will experiment and see what happens. If I do this, will the scenery be available in FSX-SE? I am more interested in having it work in SE than FSX-A.



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Also: The topic on modifying the registry also says:


"EDIT: Now that there are product installers for FSX and FSX-SE,

if you apply this fix and have only FSX-SE on your PC, you MUST

use the FSX installer, not the FSX_SE option."


I have and need to have both FSX-SE and FSX-A. 

We will see how this goes... I am worried I'll have no working simulators at all.

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Yes, sorry, I had forgotten you have both.

Please disregard this part


Go to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft and look for an FSX folder.

Delete that also, FSX will rebuild it when you restart.

You should not see an FSX-SE folder, if you do please read this topic.

Run FSX up to an aircraft active and then close it down.


but still go to the FSX or FSX-SE folders and delete the scenery.cfg.


If you are installing to FSX-SE, follow the instructions so far but choose the FSX Steam Edition

from the installer menu.

You also need to have FTX Central start with a small menu like this


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Multiple attempts have been unsuccessful.


I did successfully enable the Orbx scenery when I deleted absolutely everything (all my FSX-A and FSX-SE files under  C:\ProgramData\Microsoft,  C:\Users\Your name\AppData\Local, etc etc, but then I lost everything else in my FSX install.


Once I restored the other files, the Orbx scenery was gone.


I tried to follow the instructions explicitly but it isn't easy. " but still go to the FSX or FSX-SE folders and delete the scenery.cfg  " Which is it? I am trying to install to SE and only SE. I did delete the scenery.cfg (in both) which entailed over an hour of adding back in other scenery files - and I don't know about some of the other payware yet. I expect it will have to be re-installed.


I am going to try once more but my general impression is that this scenery is really not worth the trouble. If it can't install correctly and coexist with other scenery, it isn't worth having. None of the other payware I've installed has caused this amount of trouble.

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After the 5th reattempt at a fresh re-install, your scenery still does not appear.


You have made your software unnecessarily complex and incompatible with the basic program (FSX) and its associated ecosystem. If you cant play well with others in the FSX world, you're not worth having. 


I can wipe out my entire FSX install and get your software to work. But it isn't worth it. 


Your instructions wiped out months of work installing other payware scenery around the world. It will take me days to fix the problems you caused.


Please let me know how I can obtain a refund.

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Hi cw5301


All I can think of is perhaps Windows permission issues might be affecting your installs?


It's not recommended to install FSX to the default directory, so most people put FSX on a separate drive in its own folder.  For instance mine is installed to G:\FSX


Before installing it's a good idea to check the permissions for all folders that FSX will access, such as your own folder in C:\Users directory.  Have a look on Google how to set permissions for maximum access.


Although it apparently is possible to run FSX and FSX-SE on the same machine I imagine it would cause the odd issue such as msconnect issues etc, especially when installing 3rd party software such as TrackIR and EZYDOK.  It would be a lot safer to just choose one of the platforms and stick with it.


ORBX have not made the software unnecessarily complex.  I have to maintain the complete suite of software and every single package, from airports to landclass areas to aircraft works seamlessly and perfectly.  I don't try and change anything, I just click on install, it installs, FSX updates the scenery library if required, and that's it.  I have numerous other addons from non-Orbx developers and they all work perfectly as well.


I hope you get it sorted out, but I can tell you from my own experience and the experience of thousands of satisfied customers around the world, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with ORBX scenery if it is installed run correctly on a correctly configured computer.  Just on that point, it might be an idea to post details of your computer so we can get an idea of where to go next.

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Initially I installed your software and FTX Central would not even run, because I needed a new version of .NET, which wasn't documented anywhere. 


Next I followed your instructions and wiped out my FSX install. The scenery then appeared, but when I restored the (many) different add-ons and other scenery, it disappeared again.


I have all the files. I have the libraries. FTX Central now runs. But your scenery does not appear.


I do not have a permissions problem. ORBX is the first payware scenery I have installed (out of dozens, hundreds if you count freeware) that would not appear or appear correctly (even if manually installed).


My FSX-SE install is on a separate drive (F:) from FSX-A (on C:), in the usual directories. What other details do you want me to provide?


I cannot remove either FSX-A or FSX-SE because they have different features and functions and I need them both. All the other add-ons I own are compatible with both (with the exception of VRS, which is one of the reasons I have to keep FSX-A.)


"It's your fault our product doesn't work" is not acceptable product support. There is something in how ORBX installs that is not compatible with some other software I have on my system, but I don't know how to determine what that is. 


I have hundreds of add-on scenery packages. If the choice is between ORBX scenery of Southern Alaska and the rest of the world, I choose the rest of the world.


Either tell me how to fix your product or give me a refund. 



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Having been simming for well over a decade, I have only moved over to Orbx in the last fortnight.


I am not technically wise so cannot help you with your technical/install issues, the only piece of advice I can give you is if i were you, I would do everything within my power to make sure I got Orbx to work on my system - even at the cost/peril of other add-ons.


I also have had absolutely no problem installing the Orbx products - I have found them extremely simple to use and install and have not had one single issue.  The visual improvement Orbx makes to your sim is impossible to put into words.  Having only had the products for a week, I feel like I am using a whole new platform- a totally new sim.  I re-added every add-on I had purchased (with the exception of GEX and UTX) and every single one worked perfectly.


So with this is mind, if you want to take a giant leap forward with your sim, stick with it, do whatever is necessary and turn your back on other add-ons because they simply will not be in the same ball-park as Orbx.  Orbx have taken my simming enjoyment to a whole new level and for that I whole-heatedly thank them.


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I see nowhere the suggestion that "It's your fault our product doesn't work".


The installation process is:


Run the product installer, select the simulator version you wish to install to,

install the product.

Install the latest libraries, run FTX Central and select the required region,

click on Apply Group.


Unfortunately, as you have two versions of FSX, I am unable to determine

to which version you have installed the files.

It is possible that you have installed them to one version and are trying

to run them in the other but I do not know this to be the case.


If you wish, please do a diagnostic report with FTX Central and post the

reference number here.



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I just reinstalled for the 7th time, following all the instructions provided. The Orbx scenery still does not appear. 


I tried to install Orbx to FSX-A instead of FSX-SE and the installer would not give me the option. It installs to FSX-SE (at f:\steam\steamapps\common\fsx) no matter what I do.


Also I have TrackIR and it works perfectly with both FSX-A and FSX-SE.

I would post an FTX Central diagnostic report if I knew how to do that.


I now believe the problem is simply that the Orbx scenery is not compatible with "Co-existence Mode". The only time I was able to get it to appear was when I disabled co-existence mode in the registry and erased all my FSX and FSX-SE user directories.


The installer refuses to install to my original FSX-A directory but I suspect it is looking for the scenery.cfg there, instead of in the FSX-SE directory on another drive. Deleting the scenery.cfg files in both directories does nothing except wipe out all my other scenery, which is going to take days to fix.


If this is the case, I want a refund. I need co-existence mode to work in order to use a wide range of other add-ons that are more important than the Orbx scenery of Southern Alaska.


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 The product is perfectly fit for purpose as thousands upon thousands of users around the world can testify.


You shouldn't have to break your entire sim!!  Have you tried uninstalling all aspects of FSX and all add-on products, and then restarting from scratch, installing your Orbx products first, before installing any other add-ons?  In my opinion - it is worth a try!

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The diagnostic report number is ot4dc6345c07b5c1eb957539bb870335f6


At this point I am really angry. If this situation is not resolved today I am going to file a dispute with Paypal.


For Caluma65: I do not want this product if I have to uninstall my entire sim infrastructure and operating system. I have spent months building it and do not want to go through all that work again, just to have some remodeled mountains in Southern Alaska. It's not worth the trouble. Already I have been forced to spend hours reinstalling all the rest of my scenery from following Nick's instructions the first time - and I'm nowhere near done.


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You Orbx software is installed.

However it appears that the scenery files have been written to your copy of FSX Steam Edition

and the scenery library entries added to the scenery.cfg file in C:\ProgramData\FSX.


I can explain how to sort this out but I am not certain how or if you want to proceed.


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That is exactly what I suspected was happening. 


If sorting it out involves reinstalling both copies of FSX and all my hundreds of add-ons, I am not interested.


I already tried your method in the link you posted here: 


That did work briefly, but when I restored my other files, it was gone again. 


As I have repeatedly made clear, it is not worth having to go through many days of work (manually re-installing every add-on) to solve this problem. 


I cannot turn off coexistence mode permanently. Many of the other add-ons I actually need depend on it.


But if there is a more reasonable fix, I am interested in it. 





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The problem lies in the registry entries.

FTX products rely on these to place the files and the scenery library entries in the right place.

At present, the registry entries are telling FTX software that you have only a copy of FSX (disk)

version and that it is installed in F:\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX.


At this stage, I would ask you to go to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX\scenery.cfg and confirm

that you find these scenery library entries






Then please go to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX-SE\scenery.cfg and confirm that you

do not find these entries there.

If you do not find this to be the case, please report back what you do find and do not act

on any of the guidance below this line.




Based on the assumption that you do find this to be the case:


Please go to this page and download the FSX Registry Utility. Run that and use it to set the registry entry for your

FSX (disk) version to the location where you have it installed..


Then please go to the bottom of this page and download the Registry Fix Tool.

Open that and it should show you that only FSX (disk) is installed and that it is in the location that you set it

using the first Registry Utility.

If it does, use it to set the location of your FSX Steam Edition, F:\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX.


At this point, please revert your copy of FSX Steam Edition back to work in coexistence mode.


Now, when you open FTX Central, it should offer you a menu to chose between the two FSX versions.

If you select FSX Steam Edition and then select North America and click on Apply Group, the scenery library

entries should be written to the correct scenery.cfg file and your FTX software will finally work.


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OK. It appears to be working now. I wish we could have arrived at this fix two days ago. It remains to be seen what else may be broken by the Registry changes and whether I'll have to change it back, breaking the Orbx scenery again. 


From what I have seen so far, the FTX scenery is not really any better than some freeware I have for other parts of the world. It is not worth the price, either in dollars (the most I have paid for any scenery) or the time it took to install and get to work (approaching 9 man-hours).


Since it now works, I do not expect I am entitled to a refund. But I don't think I'd do this again.


Here is a screenshot:




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Orbx appears to have broken most of the other payware scenery I had on my system. In terms of software acquisition experience, this has been a train wreck.


I don't know what it will take - many man-days certainly - to overcome the damage done by this experience.


It is close to impossible to put a price on the harm done by my attempt to do business with Orbx. 


Never again.

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Not sure why you have had such a bad experience with the one Orbx product, I suspect having dual installs of FSX which is something not encouraged, even by DTG.


Southern Alaska is installed by over 7000 customers and if there was something inherently wrong with the product I dare say we would have seen many more issues. Yours, though unfortunate, is mostly limited to your particular setup I believe.


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