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Took off from the default Shanghai and was heading for city to see what the basic FTX setup looked like and spotted a strange wake in the water. Got a bit closer and saw this - I guess that's a bunch of toasters and Barbies that won't make it to market




Never did get to the main city - will have to try again sometime

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Thanks folks.


No idea if this is an FTX global surprise or part of the freeware AI ships package I have in the machine, I suspect the latter as it's a pretty substantial package of ships and shipping. If anyone's interested google for "AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic for FSX and P3D". It comes in four main parts plus fixes and it's by a guy called Henrik Nielsen. Freeware, well documented and makes a huge difference around lots of places.

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3 minutes ago, andy1252 said:



..... If anyone's interested google for "AI Ships and AI Ship Traffic for FSX and P3D". It comes in four main parts plus fixes and it's by a guy called Henrik Nielsen. Freeware, well documented and makes a huge difference around lots of places.

That's for sure !!!



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You have an update available for the complete project today - 600+ ships in one package - and it resolves that issue, which is caused by the wave engine in P3DV3.1 and later with water on Ultra. Solving requires adding a line in the sim.cfg plus changes in the mdl, so therefore a full update of the total package. If you don't want to update. Turn down water to "High" and problem with large ships doing odd movements (and waves) are gone.

Henrik Nielsen

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