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Problems getting FSX + Orbx to work after upgrading to win10

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I recently purchased Orbx base, vector, Alaska/Canada Open, EU open, and Orbx trees..


It worked fine till i recently reformatted and installed Win10... now as I start up i see the colorful FSX splash page SOMETIMES and then it usually does nothing... about 1 in 50 try's i may get the game to start to launch with the options box and setting etc and such and then it crashes and wont start..

About 1 in 75 try's i actually got to fly...


But usually I get nothing.....


I've tried to install microsoft net framework 4 & 4.5 but it sez already installed.....


I spent 10 hours installing and trying to uninstall and re-install today........ SO UPSET at this point.... I really wanna fly and fly with friends


I have the Lights mod and the 80 flights around the world expansion on STEAM but that's all i have besides Orbx stuff....


NEVER had a problem before I reformatted


Any help? Any Ideas?




PS. do i really need Orbx tree's or is it included in the base and vector? wasnt too much money and i do think i seen it in the steam store now but i got though the flightsim store.....



EDIT: I used to have a Orbx desktop icon to do lights for night/day ------- none now

And sometimes the Orbx picture Icon is on the FTX Central 2 desktop icon, and sometimes not.......


2nd edit: I have only the FSX Steam ed, Orbx Base, Orbx Vector installed ATM as I haven't taken the time to add the others yet as I can't get it to run......

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a migration to W10, it's wise to update VB/C++ and graphic card drivers. The process itself didn't do all and some automatical updates are missing because it involves mainly the core of Windows

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Hello Mr GrumpyOldGamer,


I won't pretend to know what is causing your issue, I use "FSX Deluxe Gold" boxed version and Win7 64. I understand you to say it worked fine before Win10 but now FSX:SE  is not running properly, the issue would likely point to something OS related not just .NET but DirectX and Visual C++ updates.

I am wondering also if you might have mis-tweeked your FSX.cfg in some way, you can save/backup your existing FSX.cfg by moving it to a new folder (you create) and allow FSX to create a fresh one upon FSX startup, please agree to the Trust Objectflow.dll dialogs when you restart your sim.

Have you tried running FSX:SE minus your Orbx addons By unchecking their checkboxes in the Scenery library, click OK to allow database rebuild then try to load the default flight from Free Flight panel.  

It is a little difficult to determine from your description whether your problem relates to an element in the Win10 installation or a problem with the FSX:SE installation. Either way it is a most unusual issue which I highly doubt being related to an Orbx addon.

Hopefully someone with FSX:SE and Win10 can shed some light on a specific error within your system configuration. A staff member might ask you for a FTXCentral diagnostic report to help track down the issue if related to your Sim's interaction with Orbx Products.

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On 4/8/2016 at 3:17 AM, Richard Bui said:

After a migration to W10, it's wise to update VB/C++ and graphic card drivers. The process itself didn't do all and some automatical updates are missing because it involves mainly the core of Windows


I have updated the graphic drivers.. whats those other things you mention?



EDIT: I also had done updating the visual c++ though this site earlier also... im running out of ideas https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=5555

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I did 4.0 and 4.5 net as instructed with the Downloads from The Flight Sim Store


I also did the vcredist_x86 update all per the loading instructions off The flight Sim Store



Any other ideas? I really really really wanna fly, have spent over a dozen hours trying to uninstall and reinstall to fix any errors..... 


I talked several of my friends into getting MFS:SE and I miss it darn-it! I am a disabled person living on a pension aand i spent a month and a half's spending money to get these upgrades :( Kinda upsetting to not get an answer or any help from an official source :(

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Hi GrumpyOldGamer,


Are you able to open FTX Central v2? If so, please try re-applying the "FTX Global" region, then start the simulator again.


Additionally, please submit a diagnostic report via FTX Central v2 and post the resulting code in a post here.


Both Richard and Nick have offered to help and can be considered official sources.

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TY to Ben, Richard and Nick,,,,, I used to have a desktop icons to switch to day and night before my reformat, is something wrong now? Ill try Ben's insttructions...... Really wanna fly.. ATM only have Base and Vector installed as I tried uninstalling and reinstalling several times

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12 minutes ago, GrumpyOldGamer said:

I used to have a desktop icons to switch to day and night before my reformat


 If you're using the latest version of the installers (see versions below), they include FTX Global-style lights that don't need to be manually switched.


When you install the Orbx Libraries, the executables to switch to day/night will be placed at "ORBX\Scripts\FTXLights_Day.exe". Although, as I mentioned above, you won't need these if you're using the latest versions of the installers. We only keep the switchers for the very old airports that haven't had their lighting upgraded to the FTX Global-style night lighting.


For reference, the current installer versions are:


12 minutes ago, GrumpyOldGamer said:

ATM only have Base and Vector installed as I tried uninstalling and reinstalling several times


 When you had all Orbx products uninstalled did the simulator still crash?

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not when i tried it, then i tried to install the add ons again... sorry wasn't complaining so much earlier when i said i was getting frustrated, Just been super excited when i got this with my xmas money and was really looking forward to going around the world in 80 flights TM

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ok here is my diagnostic  ot503db60abbbd6baa73a1f823fde1f9b1


I Think I should only have the base and vector 130 and 135 ATM. I thought i deleted everything...


question, do i need to install the Trees add on I got from Orbx or was that in the base/vector.... 


still launching and failing to start ...... Hope you have some good idea's, I am even willing to reformat again if i have too... I seriously wanna fly and look forward to more OPEN packs if I can get a working comp

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Hi Grumpy,


When upgrading Windows I *always* reformat the hard drive and start from scratch. Doing so has saved me countless hours of frustration from upgrade issues.


Since you've indicated you're willing to start from scratch with a new Window 10 install, that's our strong recommendation.

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Yep, start again, if it's been weeks.


Get Windows 10 running including the latest .Net 4 files installed as per Nick's advice above.


Get FSX running by itself, settings as you like them. When it's working fine, backup the whole FSX folder to an external HD so you can revert back if something goes wrong.


Then install FTX Global by itself without Vector, test various areas around the world.


Lastly install Vector.

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OK, reformatted, Updated Nvidia drivers and motherboard drivers etc


.net 4.0 and 4.5 were not able to install as it said already had a newer version but installed the vcredist_x86


Getting ready to install and test FSX:SE




QUESTION: When i get to the point if im lucky do i need to install the Orbx Trees or is it already in base or vector, Also any other install tips? TY TY for helping me!!!!

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2 hours ago, GrumpyOldGamer said:

Giving up on Win10 and reformatting and going back to Win7 to play....... It worked before on Win10 from a Win7 install & upgrade.. but i direct Win10 i can't get to work.. GRRRR


I have to ask, where do you have FSX installed to?  If it's in the default "program files" folder that could be the cause.  Windows is notorious for causing problems especially with FSX and addons when installed there.  Also make sure you are right-clicking and "run as administrator" when running addon installers.  


I just wiped my Win 8.1 and FSX Acceleration install last week to go to Win10 and FSX:SE and everything worked great.  I installed FSX:SE to a folder of my choosing (well, Steam was installed and then it installs all games there).  I enabled the .Net 3 and 3.5 modules in the "Programs and Features" panel under "turn windows features on or off" but I think I only needed that for some other addons not the Global stuff with the newest installers.  I proceeded to install Global, Vector, a number of regions, and OrbX freewares with the latest libraries being the very last step (and a VERY important step at that).


If you can get FSX to work with no addons there is definitely something wrong with how you're installing them.  Either the process or the location or corrupt installers.  Don't give up, Windows 10 is well worth it.  There's probably something really simple that's getting missed and throwing a wrench in things.

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12 hours ago, GrumpyOldGamer said:

QUESTION: When i get to the point if im lucky do i need to install the Orbx Trees or is it already in base or vector


The tree textures contained in FTX Trees HD are not included in FTX Global Base nor FTX Global Vector.


Also, when launching FSX:SE, are you launching it via Steam? Or by using the fsx.exe executable?

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I was launching from the desktop icon it installed...



got it in on win7 now and the base game is fine and stable........... it worked before when i had a win10 that was upgraded from win7.. but now I'm kinda shied away till i finish my trip around the world.. hhehe what you guys recommend.. gonna fly a bit then start installing Orbx

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10 hours ago, GrumpyOldGamer said:

I had changed the default drive to my 2nd drive for steam, Flyioin , would that have been enough? the path was the same on the other drive tho


I'm not sure, I always try to avoid putting things in anything named "Program Files" just in case.  I don't know if Windows just locks it down on C: or any drive though.  If it's still misbehaving I'd try something like D:\Steam as an install location.

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Anyone at Orbx able to get a hold of theflightstore and tell them to turn on my orders again... they locked me out and I am getting tired of uninstalling and reinstalling and waiting to play..... i canceled my refund request and they are not timely in getting me my mod's... this is super frustrating! 

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theflightsimstore has locked me out of my accounts for several days and has been not been answering my emails for 3 days... I am about to goto paypal and request my refund again and process it this time... I've sent them several emails over the last 3 days and all have been ignored.....  Can't handle the stress from the poor service I have received...


I have literally spent weeks trying to get this all sorted out and my patience is wearing very thin!


Can ANYONE at orbx help me and call them and get my accounts turned on?

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This experience of trying to get service has been HORRIBLE from the very start.... No answer on these forums for over a week from my original post, The flight sim store locking me out of my account when I asked for a refund cuz I was not receiving any help... Now I have canceled my claim, and they ignore my emails and plea's to turn my accounts back on.. 


I cannot test my Orbx mods as I cannot unpack or use them.. I am told to work with you and to wait andbe patient BUT they imediatly lock my account and hold me hostage refusing to help me until i drop my claim, then after I drop my claim they ignore me for days......



Profanity removed

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7 hours ago, GrumpyOldGamer said:

Do humans actually work at theflightsimstore? I have been advised by "paypal" at this point to report you guys to my country's authorities as being a internet scam and have you investigated............


Uh, you do realize that OrbX is not affiliated with FSS other than FSS is a reseller of their products?  If you're going to report anyone it would be FSS not OrbX.  Reporting OrbX would be like reporting Samsung because Amazon wouldn't ship you a Samsung product you ordered.

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In case you didn't see it, from FSS's support pages, they apparently have a live chat available during certain hours.  Not sure what those are but keep in mind they are in Australia as well so quite a time difference from the US.




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ty ty Flyinion, yes i haven't called any authorities , I was just stating what Paypal advised me to do, 

Yes i realize this is not the same company BUT they are this company's representative and distributor, I had hoped someone would get me some service at the other web site and help out,


......YES I AM UPSET.... I think Anyone would be livid like me in my situation.....


I have checked that live support button every night and have never seen it active :(


I usually drive a lot of business towards whatever game or company's game I am playing.... Not sure I can recommend theflightsimstore to anyone after this

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