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Trouble in San Carlos


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Hope someone can help with this.  It seems the underlying photo-scenery at San Carlos is showing through the tarmac and runway depending on the viewing angle and the taxiway and runway markings disappear and reappear. The screenshots below will hopefully show what I mean.  Each screenshot is at a different angle.  My mesh resolutions is 5m and texture resolution is 7cm as in the User Guide.  I can't remember this being a problem prior to the latest install into P3Dv3.2.


Missing taxiway and runway markings with large concrete pad



Tarmac is ok but taxiway and runway markings are missing as viewed from a different angle



All normal as should be



Any solutions greatly appreciated as on landing approach the markings keep disappearing and reappearing as viewed from the cockpit.


Edit:  I guess I should add that I have also reinstalled KSQL, cycled FTX Central and have the latest libraries installed.



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I was just about to post a similar problem when I saw this. At KSQL I have no aircraft shadow on the ground and the runway and taxi lines are as you described. The funny thing is I don't remember this happening before the latest library updates from 14 March. Maybe a there's a connection? Too bad I already deleted the old library download file as I'd like to reinstall them and see what happens.


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I am looking into this but I suspect something with the new 3.2 version of P3D has caused this issue as it was working in 3.1.


Latest Orbxlibs only contained a couple of new files that are not related to SQL so that is not the problem.

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Thanks Ed. I fixed the aircraft shadow problem by turning on the option to cast building shadows. I must have left that off when upgrading to v3.2. I rolled the Client back to 3.1 and didn't see any change in the runway/taxi marking problem. The search continues.....



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I tried out KSQL for the first time last night and saw the same thing. I know Ed is working on it but I'm making this post incase he needs a pool of users seeing this issue and would like to see if there is anything in common we have that could help track down the issue.

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Thanks for weighing in Kilstorm.  I'm hoping it doesn't take long to fix KSQL as it's the only airport I'm aware of that is doing this "Now you see it, now you don't" act.  It must be something different in the way the airport was developed.  I'm missing KSQL as I often fly in and out of it and enjoy it immensely. 

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No need for further reports as I too see the issue. We have asked LM to look into it. 

Using the 3 ground poly files from FSX appears to resolve the issue. This shouldn't really be the solution as the ground poly is a native P3D ground poly, so we would like LM to get back to us first. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/22/2016 at 1:45 PM, Ed Correia said:

Using the 3 ground poly files from FSX appears to resolve the issue. 


Ed, would it be possible for you to post the 3 ground poly files from FSX so we can use this airport until LM gets back to you?  Could be a long wait.  Thanks for your consideration.


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1 hour ago, Ed Correia said:

Sure, here they are.


I only have two of the three files in my P3D install, ORBX_KSQL_GP_S.bgl is not present.  I put them all in replacing the two that were there.  It's much better, the runway and taxiway lines do longer disappear but that concrete pad within the tarmac flips in and out of sight depending on the angle.


The airport's usable again. back in business.  Thank you much.

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  • 2 weeks later...


     How does one open these bgl files? I have tried winzip but all I get is incomplete filename notification.



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Hi Ron

these are .bgl files don't open they belong in the KSQL scenery folder back up or rename the original ones in the folder to .OFF




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Hi Dennis,

              I am having a problem trying to move these bgl files to the scenery. Every time I try to move them the file becomes a shortcut or if I right click the info is all about open link, If I left click a dialog pops up asking what  would like to open these files with.I can't seem to copy these to the correct folder. Not sure what to do next short of waiting for an update.I only need the gp s.bgl





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Okay got  it moved into Ksql scenery folder thanks Dennis& Nick



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  • 1 month later...
36 minutes ago, Ed Correia said:


The ground poly has been fixed but I have noticed another issue - taxi/runway lights and signs have gone missing. Could you please confirm if you see the same?


Confirmed, no taxi/runway lights and signs and no poles for the windsocks.  *sigh*

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