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Jack Sawyer

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Is Saitek going out of business?  I'm trying to find another quadrant so I can have a separate lever for each engine.

But I see a lot of "Out of stock for several months" statements.

Found a couple on ebay but they're very expensive.

I was just wondering if they're getting out of the flight sim market.


If I posted this in the wrong area please forgive my error.


Thank you.

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According to several sources, Saitek seems to be at least in difficulties.




I am still in hope. Saitek going out of business would be terrible given I invested around 2500 $ into Saitek and Saitek compatible Hardware during the last years.


Kind regards, Michael

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13 hours ago, JS07 said:

Is Saitek going out of business?  I'm trying to find another quadrant so I can have a separate lever for each engine.

But I see a lot of "Out of stock for several months" statements.

Found a couple on ebay but they're very expensive.

I was just wondering if they're getting out of the flight sim market.


If I posted this in the wrong area please forgive my error.


Thank you.



I move that discussion to the right place

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Just thought I'd add my 2Bobs worth to this topic, I've been using the Saitek throttles and yoke pretty much since they came out and sadly around October 2015 the throttle quads both started spiking badly so I took them apart and cleaned the pots (I'm a Watchmaker so used to small parts) but sadly even after cleaning they weren't much better. So around December I bought the Go-Flight 737 Pro throttles after saving all year for them, yes they are VERY Costly but after using them for the last few months I've decided they were a good investment, I still have and use 9 other Saitek products and will continue to till they die or break as like most here I've invested a lot of money in this hobby and would not throw it away just because one supplier may change their marketing plans and I would never pay inflated prices for thing like yokes etc on Ebay as it just wrong.

One of the sayings I tend to use is " Patience Grasshopper " and that is what we need as really it's only a few weeks and it won't kill us to wait to see where this goes ;-)

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My only problem is I rely VERY heavily on Saitek's SST software.  FSUIPC is really light years over my head and this old dog want to even attempt learn it.


Well, I did try but it's virtually impossible sans a college degree in programming to get the MODE 1-2-3 switch to work in FSUIPC and like I said I rely HEAVILY on the SST for all my camera views and switch controls.


I have separate SWITCH controls for Mode 1, CAMERAS for Mode 2, and OTHER for Mode 3.  That gives me a lot of flexibility with triple use of switches.

I also have a TPM which I use for A2A planes (throttle) and the switches for other planes.

For example, I have the G1-G4 TPM switches set up for opening doors on the Q400, G5 for bringing the HUD closer and etc.  I don't like to use the keyboard for anything if I don't have to.

I'd LOVE a YOKO yoke and would save for it but it has like only two switches on it.  How in the world would I get all my controls and views set up like that?


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