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Gung ho in Guangzhou


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Thought I would have a look around ZGGG in the paramotor and then make a nuisance of myself with the departing traffic.

A clearish day for once here in Guangdon Province.











Baiyun is a great airport not only for it's scenery but also it is central to my collection of Asian destinations.




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You should receive a "dangerous flight notification". 

I hope you're in possession of the authorization for overflight and haven't left the authorized circuit! Hahaha

Never mind! It's just a joke!


Btw, a lot of fun this "flight". Great shots!



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You gotta get a little closer Martyn, I want to see how that thing does with the turbulence off those engines.  Another great set,I may need to go purchase this little buggy you are riding around in looks like a lot of fun.  We need Monument Valley for P3Dv3 and that would be quite the scenery for that zoomer your flying.

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