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Airports Quad (P3Dv3.x) installers - please stop demanding

John Venema

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I'm not a P3D customer, but have been a digital tech for 40+ years. In my mind the finger points back to LM. Why, in this day and age, can't LM produce a backward compatible product that would accommodate and/or update all versions. I know the answer...$$$$$. Definitely leaves you guys in the lurch though. I sympathize with your commitment to support your products though, that is noble, but I think LM is gouging it's customers actually. Just my opinion.

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42 minutes ago, jsapair said:

I'm not a P3D customer, but have been a digital tech for 40+ years. In my mind the finger points back to LM. Why, in this day and age, can't LM produce a backward compatible product that would accommodate and/or update all versions. I know the answer...$$$$$. Definitely leaves you guys in the lurch though. I sympathize with your commitment to support your products though, that is noble, but I think LM is gouging it's customers actually. Just my opinion.

"LM gouging its customers."  How 'bout charging $200 to be a beta tester for its product?  That's what I call hutzpah.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2016-01-20 at 8:57 AM, John Venema said:

We have about 70 more airports to create Quad installers for, and one person (Ed Correia) is almost exclusively working on this task at the maximum rate of 3-4 airport installers per week.


If you can keep up that rate, it sounds great and a it's a huge improvement compared to what the rate used to be (some stragglers haven't even been updated for 2.x even though it came out 2 years ago). Looking forward to switching to v3.x toward the summer :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are too used to Orbx doing nice things for nothing. And we become greedy wanting more and more for nothing.


Companies like A2A who build beautiful aircraft have a FSX version, a P3D version and a more expensive combined version.  They are not alone in charging a range of prices for diferent versions of the same product.


Orbx, at their own expense, give us multiple versions all for one price.


So we should think ourselves lucky we are not being charged by Orbx for P3Ds constant changes.


Once 64 bit hits, then Orbx will have no choice but to charge.  This is totally fair esp when they have not charged us yet for P3D compatability.  With over 100 Orbx products, i am worried about the cost to go 64 bit, but l am sure Orbx will be far fairer than many other companies have been.


So please don't upset JV anymore. He might just get to the point that enough is enough,  and become like the other companies (which really would be reasonable for any business). We are on such a good wicket with Orbx doing this for nothing, so lets be greatful. Really grateful, and sit back and wait letting Orbx decide on the order of upgrade. Good things come to those who wait.


And remember, every time we pester, the process of conversion slows, so dont pester!!!!!!!!

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I think most do agree pmb that they are doing great work. I have always been taught and many do agree, that there is nothing wrong with asking a question or two.

Now, how that message translates can be a problem.



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Hi rdg,


i agree that asking a question is more than fair.  I think its just that too many are being asked about the conversion, and its becoming too much for the Orbx team.  I must say that even i in the early P3D v3 convertion asked if the freeware will also be done as i could not find an answer.  So i too am guilty of this.


So is there a solution that is easy and cheap????


maybe a forum topic section just on the current upgrades may help by putting all the questions asked and all the answers are in one easy to find place.  At present, many questions are very similar, but they can be hard to find, so they get asked over and over again, simply because the forums are so massive now, its not so easy to find things.  I dont think even JV expected Orbx to be the world leader in airport design and quality.


but Orbx is so busy, esp with the conversions, that having to reply to so many similar questions about the same things takes alot of time.  Time is money that is already being given way to us for free for the conversion, and answering the same questions also time lost in converting, and comes at a financial cost as well due to production time being coverted to forum answering time.


so lets learn from this.  As suggested above,  maybe next time, a project so large as this and so important to customer for      planning which way they go,  what upgrade they need to do, etc, that such a massive project can be given its own forum topic section to make answers very easy to find. And this would help stop people asking the same questions over and over, as they could not find the answers easily on such a massive but great forum.


just a thought for Orbx to maybe consider.




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