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Edwards question


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Hey Guys..


I am REALLY enjoying Orbx southern Cal.  Question,  I am not getting buildings coming up when I fly to Edwards.  Anybody know how that works?  I have been reading about the library insertion point but I don't understand how that works.



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Look on page 6 or the SCA manual for 'additional steps to consider'.  If you are using the Gold, Acceleration, or Steam-Edition versions of FSX, or any of the P3D versions. 

There are specific instructions concerning Edward's and Las Vegas.


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15 minutes ago, spud said:


Look on page 6 or the SCA manual for 'additional steps to consider'.  If you are using the Gold, Acceleration, or Steam-Edition versions of FSX, or any of the P3D versions. 

There are specific instructions concerning Edward's and Las Vegas.


I did look on page 6 but I don't have Edwards AFB listed in the options under scenery files in FSX.   Any other idea's?


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The manual is talking about the FSX Scenery Library and Edwards AFB is a default entry so it is in the scenery library.  Open the Lib. (World\Scenery Library) scroll down and Edwards_AFB is between Addon Scenery and Berlin, seven entries below that is Las Vegas.  This is in plain old FSX.  P3D sims I don't have any idea as I don't use that sim.


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They are confusing you.  Do THIS...


1.  You have to open up the Scenery.cfg FILE...not a folder...a FILE...with Notepad (or similar).  Read the LAST SENTENCE of the instructions in the PDF user's manual to find the location of that FILE on your computer depending on which flight simulator you are using.


2.  Make the "True to False" change in the Scenery.cfg FILE.  Just edit it with Notepad.  Then save the file and close it.  Scroll down the FILE once you open it and this is what you are looking for (your [Area.xxx] number may be different...that's OK):




Yours will say Required=True.  Change it to Required=False like the one above.


3.  Now start your sim, go to the Scenery LIBRARY in it, and you can UNCHECK the Edwards_AFB entry.  Click on OK and let the sim rebuild the Scenery Library.


You shouldn't be messing with ANY FOLDERS in your flight sim directory to make this change. Spud's reference to "World\Scenery Library" wasn't a folder reference.  It is how you would get to the Scenery Library using the Menu Bar at the top of the simulator screen after you loaded a flight and it was running.


There is a Las Vegas entry in the Scenery.cfg file the instructions say you may want to change also.  Change it the same way if you want to.


Title=Las Vegas


If you aren't sure how to open the Scenery.cfg file with Notepad (or similar text editor), let us know and we'll tell you how to do that.  Basically, you can right-click the file with your mouse pointer, select "Open with Notepad", and you'll see the text file contents shown above in a very long list you can scroll down until you find the entries you are looking for.



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That's a distinct possibility I hadn't considered.  I was responding more to him saying, "I am in Program Files 86/Microsoft games/fsx/scenery/world/scenery and I don't see Edwards in there."  That's not where he should be looking even if he does have Acceleration with Edwards installed.  


Totally possible he may not even have an Edwards AFB in his installation though.



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FSX Scenery Library

1. Start FSX

2. Select "World" from the menu at the top of screen.

3. Click "Scenery Library" from the drop down menu.

4. When the Scenery Library is showing you can scroll down until you find Edwards_AFB.

5. Uncheck the box.

6. Repeat for Las Vegas


There is no need to open the Scenery.cfg file to do this as both selections can be unchecked using the instructions above unless the Edwards_AFB and/or Las Vegas selections are greyed out which should not be the case.

I am assuming that you are using FSX flightsim although using the Pilots Lounge is the incorrect forum for support questions so which sim you are speaking of has not been given in the post.



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Hi,i had the same problem: no buildings at Edwards, FSX SP2. Mr Holger told me to put ADE_FTX_SCA_KEDW.bgl into a certain folder. He provided the file.I did it and now some buildings have appeared.good enough for me,but i checked the Scenery.cfg file as Mr FalconAF told but the entry [Area.xxx]

is missing in mine,Las Vegas is ok instead.

Something wrong?



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7 hours ago, spud said:

There is no need to open the Scenery.cfg file to do this as both selections can be unchecked using the instructions above unless the Edwards_AFB and/or Las Vegas selections are greyed out which should not be the case.


That's not always true.  There are TWO ways to open the Scenery Library in FSX.  The way your instructions tell him to do it is one way, but you have to load a flight first to be able to get to the "World\Scenery Library" top menu bar.  The other way is to do it as soon as the FSX opening screen is loaded, before loading a flight.  You can click on the "Settings" button, then the "Scenery Library" button on the next screen.  When you do that in FSX:SE and scroll down to any of the default "city" entries like Las Vegas, Edwards AFB, or say Longleat (see below), NONE of them are greyed out, and you CAN'T uncheck the box to disable them.  You will get the error message shown saying that the area is "Required".






The NA SCA instructions don't specify which method to use to open the Scenery Library, so someone could easily end up in the above situation trying to do it.  If that happens, the NEXT thing the instructions tell them to do is MAKE THE CHANGES in the Scenery.cfg file manually.  That's fine.  But even if the instructions tell them where the file is (which they do tell them), and they don't know how to GET to that file or how to make the changes AFTER they get to it, no problem is solved.


My response telling them how to do that was based on their post indicating they didn't know HOW to do it.


But any response that says something like, "There is no need to open the Scenery.cfg file" is false.  It's the way someone would HAVE to do it IF they followed the PDF instructions. So I told them how to do it THAT way.  And based on the PDF file's instruction, I am going to assume whoever wrote those instructions understood the above could happen to a user.  There MAY be other ways to do it (like you posted), but they don't change the need to open the Scenery.cfg file for everybody.  I could just as easily say there is no need to have to load a flight first the way you do.


Bottom line is the current PDF instructions don't require a user to load a flight first. They tell them what needs to be done if they can't uncheck the Edward's or Las Vegas default scenery in the Scenery Library.  They tell them where the Scenery.cfg file is located if they have to manually edit it.  That's the way to do it without having to start a flight first.  Just because there may be other ways to do it doesn't make it wrong or "no need" to do it that way.


It's a pain writing Instruction Manuals sometimes.  Given the case where hundreds or thousands of people may have to follow those instructions, you can rest assured some of them will STILL get confused by them, or not know how to do some things you assumed they would already know how to do.  When they ask then, you answer the question(s) they asked about what they don't comprehend.  That's what I did.


Your method works too.  But it doesn't mean the original instructions are "wrong" or "not needed".  That's all trying to say.

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Can't recall saying that the original instructions are "wrong" anywhere within my reply.  It was directed specifically to straight stock FSX and says that.  Clicking the 'Settings' selection does indeed allow the FSX Scenery Library to be manipulated, I was trying to avoid further complications for the OP with the instructions presented.

My FSX is the Gold edition that comes with Acceleration and is the only version of FSX I have ever used so if Edwards_AFB was not in earlier versions I was not aware of that.  I have always had the two entries in the Library and they were always changeable.

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Hi guys,


FYI, it's correct that only P3D turns the entries grey if they can't be deactivated, with FSX one just gets the warning pop-up. Also, I have a copy of the original scenery.cfg files for FSX Acceleration and only five entries are blocked: "Default Terrain", "Default Scenery", "0005 Base", "Global, Generic & Vehicle Libraries", and "Propeller Objects".


In any case, the procedure described in the manual is only required if the Edwards_AFB or LasVegas entries can't be deactivated directly, which, as far as I know, is only true for the P3D v2/v3 versions, which is why I didn't mention the FSX variation of blocking.


Cheers, Holger

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