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Edward AFB Building


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Hi everybody,I'm really really enjoying SCA, you guys at ORBX did an amazing job but just a question: i can't see any building at Edwards AFD...autogen very dense. Is it ok or am i missing something? 

thanks and Merry Xmas to yall

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Hi guys,


first off, the Edwards_AFB scenery entry mentioned in the manual has nothing to do with 3D buildings; that folder only contains a photoreal ground texture.


If you're using an older version of FSX -- meaning not Gold, Acceleration, or the Steam Edition -- you won't have the custom airport buildings that ACES shipped with these newer versions and which SCA places (in fact, we don't move any of the default KEDW buildings because some of the Acceleration missions depend on their positioning). 


Please try the attached replacement for the SCA KEDW airport file. Unzip it and move into \ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_NA_SCA05_SCENERY\scenery but make a backup copy of the existing file with the same name first in case this doesn't work as expected.


I believe this version uses only hangars etc. from the original FSX SP2  and thus buildings should be visible with it. They won't be as detailed as the Acceleration/Gold version, and not as many, but at least you should see some hangars in the appropriate places.


Cheers, Holger


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Thanks! It worked!!  However I am a little disappointed that the true looking base is not there.  Like with all of the other airports there are planes, clutter and parking spots.  Maybe you can upgrade the base in the next SP??  I was really looking forward to Edwards looking like it does.  The Scenery is awesome though..



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12 hours ago, Orbx45 said:

Thanks! It worked!!  However I am a little disappointed that the true looking base is not there.  Like with all of the other airports there are planes, clutter and parking spots.  Maybe you can upgrade the base in the next SP??  I was really looking forward to Edwards looking like it does.  The Scenery is awesome though..



13 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello Jason,

Have another read of Holger's last reply.

For those reasons, you would need to upgrade your FSX version.


And wouldn´t the Steam sales be a good opportunity for doing that? http://www.avsim.com/topic/480439-heads-up-fsx-steam-edition-on-sale-again-499-addons-also-on-sale/ 

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