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FTX Global Base Error messages

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I downloaded FTX Global Base 1.40 from my FSS Store account just the other day.  Today I installed it in to FSX:SE ( I have totally removed FSX Boxed and all traces of it).


The installation seemed to go OK and it completed, but during installation there were these two error messages:





At the end FTX Central was downloaded and installed.

Another thing I noticed was that the red "Update" tag was showing for FTX Global Base, even though I had just installed it moments before.  I clicked on it and the info said something about this update including the new user guide.  I went ahead with the update, and it was just a 2.9MB download.


I would like to know what these error messages were, and if I should reinstall, or not worry about it.  It seems like just two texture files were not installed.  Could there be a problem with the new quad installer I just downloaded?





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Thanks Ed, I will try reinstalling.


I just noticed another problem with the install.  I assumed that the FTX central that was downloaded and installed would be for FSX as I had just installed Global in to FSX:SE.  However, I just tried to move the library insertion points and noticed that the only FTX Central available is for P3D V2, which I also have installed.  I have no option to switch it to FSX.


FSX Boxed seems to be totally gone, as other products I have tried to install can not find FSX and I have to manually browse for FSX:SE.  I seem to be having the issues others have discussed when installing in to FSX:SE.





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Yeah thanks Nick.  I am writing back now to say I have solved the issues, and it was the top pinned topic in the FTX Central Support forum that helped:



That FTX registry fix tool is very easy to use and fixed my problem instantly.  Before using it only my P3D V2 installation was being recognised, but the tool fixed it and everything is now installing properly and FTX Central can be switched between P3D V2 and FSX:SE.


In relation to my first issue, the write errors, I had to open the properties dialogue for the Steam folder where FSX:SE is located and uncheck the "Read Only" box.  For some reason that is checked in nearly all of my folder properties since around a year ago, I'm not sure why.  Even when I uncheck it, if I open the properties dialogue again it will be rechecked.  Regardless, unchecking this box and reinstalling FTX Global worked and there were no error messages the second time.







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