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KMRY--You have spoiled me with KSTS Runway Taxiway Lights


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5 hours ago, Stewart Hobson said:

What did you find lacking with the KMRY lights (aside from the taxiway lights not lit leading to 28L)?



Hello Stewart. The taxiway lights not lit were cured by the patch.


Have you installed KSTS ? If you have, you probably have not seen the runway edge lights and taxiway edge lights closely. When I see them, I see light posts I have never seen before in any airport for FSX. I see the real light. The acrylic envelope, with the real bulb inside and appropriate shadows. It is not just a close effect, they maintain their brightness from afar. It does not glow like the others, or at least the effect is invisible. I don't know how the heck they did that, whatever, it is a thing of beauty.


KMRY on the other hand is just an ugly halo, badly placed above the light fixture itself at that. A world of difference.

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21 minutes ago, Alferra said:



Hello Stewart. The taxiway lights not lit were cured by the patch.


Have you installed KSTS ? If you have, you probably have not seen the runway edge lights and taxiway edge lights closely. When I see them, I see light posts I have never seen before in any airport for FSX. I see the real light. The acrylic envelope, with the real bulb inside and appropriate shadows. It is not just a close effect, they maintain their brightness from afar. It does not glow like the others, or at least the effect is invisible. I don't know how the heck they did that, whatever, it is a thing of beauty.


KMRY on the other hand is just an ugly halo, badly placed above the light fixture itself at that. A world of difference.

Well, since Jarrad is the developer for KMRY, I'm sure your comments would be of interest to him.  I haven't been to KSTS at night--guess I'll check it out.  But I don't find the lights at KMRY as bad as you describe them.

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  • Nick Cooper changed the title to KMRY--You have spoiled me with KSTS Runway Taxiway Lights

Here are some pics to illustrate. First, KSTS lights. See, there IS a halo, but it has been so well placed that it bends with the light fixture itself. Look at the double face runway end identifier lights with the red and green halves, these are beautiful from any distance, and bright. Also a pic of the runway edge and taxiway lights--same thing. At the bottom, KMRY. Nice fixture, but the halo is not realistic and placed well above the fixture itself. This is not adjustable with the intensity menu provided with the airport.






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Thank you for the kind compliment, glad you like it so much :)

But credit where credit is due, you have Tim Harris to be thank for supplying me with those lovely halo glow textures which get brighter as you move further away. You'll be seeing those in all my future projects.

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Oh !!! I want you to go back and revamp all the other airports and bring them up to standard Misha !!!


As a real pilot I am picky at such details, whenever more realism is possible, fine by me. Nobody in the developer world has such good lights. I have always complained at the lack of realistic lighting with fancy airports from all developers but this one ups the ante.


You win the prize for airport night lighting effects.

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Many other airports already use this style of lighting, KWYS, PAYA, PAHO, KCGX, AYPY, NSTU, to name a few.


When going through and updating airports to P3Dv2.x+, I updated as many airports as possible to this style of lighting. Not sure I could name them all off the top of my head but pretty much any airport I handled for upgrades received these lights. 

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G'day ALF,


On 22/11/2015, 10:18:23, ALF said:

These lights are by far the best of any developer. KMRY on the other hand leaves a lot to be desired. Any way to update these lights to KSTS standard ?


Thanks very much for the feedback on KMRY, apologies for the late reply. A quick explainer (in addition to Misha & Alex's comments); the lighting you see at KSTS is representative of the standard method we are using across most of our newer airports (KSTS, KEGE, KSEZ amongst others already mentioned), and come with a host of benefits including more consistent display results across different systems, and better performance. As Alex mentions, some of our older airports are having these types retrofitted as patches/triple/quad installers get released - for example I have included these types with the recent updates to KRDD, KJAC, YBRM, YBCS and will be doing so for the rest of my older airports - KMRY was the last airport I made with the older style lights. 


Lastly, a quick explanation on why the "splashes" sit above the light models themselves - a consistent problem with using particle effects (the "old" method) is how it renders in the sim - for example we found that it would conflict with the 3D model when placed lower down, causing display issues, particularly in FSX DX10 mode. The inelegant solution is to have the splashes sit above - something you may find at many of our other airports too. 


So in short - there is a reason why they sit above the model, and in answer to your question, yes, at some point there will be an update to improve these to the newer types :)




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Jarrad, thank you for the detailed explanation, it is always interesting to hear the peculiarities from the developer point of view.


And, of course, the most important aspect of your post is the upcoming update, to which I look forward to !!

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