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"Hybrid mode"

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Hi folks!


I'm using FTX Global with P3Dv3. Soooo good!


I also have FTX PNW installed. I understand, from the manual, that if I intend to fly in and out of this region, I should use "hybrid mode", and if flying local, activate only PNW.


But if the "hybrid mode" works, why should I ever activate PNW only? Is there any difference? I mean, would it be "better" for a local flight than the combination of activating Global in "hybrid mode"?


Thanks for your help!

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As I understand it the regions when selected are slightly more detailed than when used in Hybrid. I think the Global hybrid mode is designed to provide a smoother join between global and a region when flying from one to the other, the price is a slight drop in detail in your region.


Put simply, the dedicated regions are slightly more detailed   , hybrid is a compromise to allow the regions to blend with global.



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Thanks! Yes, I did some tests and figured it out, it is definitely better to activate the region for local flights.


P3Dv3 + Orbx + A2A planes = AWESOME!!!! I'm a real pilot and this is as good as it gets!


(looking desperately for a good turbo prop for v3, the default King Air is terrible, like going back in time MANY years)

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(looking desperately for a good turbo prop for v3, the default King Air is terrible, like going back in time MANY years)

I love the A2A. Aircraft but have to say the Turbine Duke is my current preference. It's stable and the instruments are clear and it has a more useable autopilot than the ageing Comanche.

Works fine in P3d but not yet V3 updated so can't integrate GTN750 yet. Update is promised soon.

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I love the A2A. Aircraft but have to say the Turbine Duke is my current preference. It's stable and the instruments are clear and it has a more useable autopilot than the ageing Comanche.

Works fine in P3d but not yet V3 updated so can't integrate GTN750 yet. Update is promised soon.


The Turbine Duke is also my favourite, eagerly waiting for the new installer! Bought the new Carenado, with GTN750 integration. Well, it's ok.... but impossible to compare.

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