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YMML textures not loading properly


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I just downloaded the YMML scenery and after installing it, it seems that the textures don't load properly. For example, taxiway lines do not appear and the ground surface appears brown.

I'm not sure what i've done wrong but i'm just wondering if anyone can help?

Thanks in advance,



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Hello Ben,

Would you be so good as to post a screen shot of what you

see and do not like.

How to do this is here.


There is much use made of photo scenery at Melbourne, some

customers do not appear to like this and would prefer the FSX\P3D

hard runway and taxiway surfaces.

Perhaps this is what you are seeing?

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Hi Nick, originally I was seeing exactly what neo was seeing but after changing some settings it is a bit better however, in some areas, the jet bridge does not connect to the terminal. It seems like the default jet bridges are showing up over the Melbourne textures.

Would you know how I can fix this?


Thank you

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Do you perhaps have another version of Melbourne installed that

might be conflicting with this one?


Also, I see form neo's picture that his scenery complexity settings are lower

than mine, so he has some jetways missing.

You might try a higher setting?

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Nick, sadly, you're wrong. The problem is that the overlay textures are not loading, and ONLY at YMML. All my other airports are fine. I run REX4 and just to disprove your theory, I ramped all my display setting in P3D to max, and although the ground textures improved, it's still not loading the overlay as it should.


This is with Texture Res set to 4096, and Scenery sliders all maxed. Looks better from high above:




But when you get to ground level:




And at night, no taxiway lights:




And at my normal (not ramped up) settings, YSSY looks like this:






Can you spot the difference?

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Two different design methods so no good comparing them.

YMML uses 7cm photoreal for its base image hence it looking that from close up. I cannot recall the reason behind the design method as I wasn't involved.

FT is using high def textures for the ground poly which is the more conventional method.

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Nick, sadly, you're wrong. The problem is that the overlay textures are not loading, and ONLY at YMML. All my other airports are fine. I run REX4 and just to disprove your theory, I ramped all my display setting in P3D to max, and although the ground textures improved, it's still not loading the overlay as it should.

This is with Texture Res set to 4096, and Scenery sliders all maxed. Looks better from high above:










Sadly, I am right.

As Ed says, the airport does not use the texture overlays you mention.


There is much use made of photo scenery at Melbourne, some

customers do not appear to like this and would prefer the FSX\P3D

hard runway and taxiway surfaces.


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Sadly indeed... P3D v2.5 does not support running your settings on max unless you want to be constantly reloading the sim (as I'm sure you know). What an utterly bizzarre, restricting decision... I'd have demanded a refund were it not for the fact that v3 will allow higher settings and I'll be moving over in due course. Lets hope there's a v3 installer available soon.

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I cannot recall the reason behind the design method as I wasn't involved.

I recall the reason why because I complained about it looking horrible as well. John said they didn't want to use conventional ground polys because he thought that using photoreal overlay was more realistic and there wouldn't be any repetitive textures that ground polys often have.

Personally I thought it was a bad decision because when you have a lot of scenery being drawn and have to use super high res settings it's hard to get them into focus quickly. Where as regular ground polys behave better.

Moot point for me know as I already bought it and don't use it and was unable to get a refund on Melbourne or Brisbane which both use this method. Lesson learned and now I only buy airports that have custom ground polys.

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Nick, sadly, you're wrong. The problem is that the overlay textures are not loading, and ONLY at YMML. All my other airports are fine. I run REX4 and just to disprove your theory, I ramped all my display setting in P3D to max, and although the ground textures improved, it's still not loading the overlay as it should.


I realise you don't like the product, however, the advice you have been given

has been consistently correct.


For the benefit of anyone else reading this topic,

this airport does not feature the overlay that is described.

Its surfaces will not be affected by REX or any other airport

texture replacement software.

This is not a theory, it is a fact.

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