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Orbx Global to my FSX


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Hello guys, Im new here and not a customer yet but im sure I will be soon, I have a question before all this. At this point I have my FSX acceleration running normal with some airplanes addons like PMDG, carenado, etc but no sceneries yet, why because my pc wont run very well with sceneries addons included so my question is; I seen multiple videos about orbx global and how it looks also read that wont impact the frame rates but I need please an honest opinion since I want to buy this product, how is the frame rates impact after installing the global with NO airport sceneries yet? Im getting a better computer soon but I want to know if at least I can enjoy the global addon for now, please any answer is gladly appreciated. Thanks again.

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Global isn't really considered scenery since it just replaces the default ground textures with new textures that look different than default and adds some autogen night lighting on road and near autogen buildings.

The textures are the same size as the default textures, so the performance is the same in that regards. The only difference is that the Global ground textures might be annotated differently to allow for more autogen buildings and trees to be displayed, however you can control that with the autogen slider in FSX.

So, in other words Global is about the same in regards to performance to thr default ground textures. Simple as that.

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Don't count on Global improving performance: it's not advertised to do so. In the other topic you started about this exact same subject Gordon posted a more accurate answer: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/103376-orbx-global-fsx/?p=933371


BTW Posting more than one topic about the exact same subject within a few minutes isn't something you should do. Welcome to the forum anyway! ;)

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