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FSXGlobal Textures


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I have recently installed NRM regio and set it inFTX Central


However when I go out side the region for example seattle the grass and ground look horrible. Also the runway is narrower than the original and that shows thru on the edge....


Have I installed incorrectly or is this how it looks in an FSX default region.


I also have REX Essentials OD installed.



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I previously had NRM region installed...Looked great very pleased.... I have just purchased global and vector..followed the install instructions... Now at my local airport (CZVL) NRM region looks like this....... Any ideas how to fix this........





You can just see the tip of the wing strut from the glider sticking out..........If you move pov to behind you can see glider and runway but is strange...




On this last 1 if you look closely you again can see top strut sticking out of the ground.....




I have tried using the vector tool to correct elevation and it made no difference......


If I select global as the region... this happens..........


looks ok apart from the road going thru middle of runway......




from tower view look at the objects!!!!!!!






I have FS Genius Mesh installed but it was all good before installing Global and Vector......


Could it be something to do with order in scenery libirary...there are " ! " in the titles in the scenery lib. is this correct? i.e ORBX!VECTOR_AEC

I HAVE NOT MOVED THE POSITIONING. That entry appears at position 133 just above default terrain and default scenery. then there is all the "Base" entries above that. 132 - 37. then airports x4 then ftxaa_orbxlibs then 4 more vector then 3 openlc then fsx regions.......


Anybody know what is wrong!!!!!!??????



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Hi Tommy


You need to run the AEC tool in Vector.... :)




Also...these are the five basics I do after every scenery addition or change:



1. Set FTX Central to Global and put a check in the Hybrid mode box, then click "Apply"

2. Make sure mesh resolution is set at 5m.

3. Reinstall the latest Orbx libs. (or Just run FTX Central V2 and apply any updates it indicates)

4. Do a scenery cache flush/reset.  (This just entails opening the FSX settings/scenery library and clicking on OK with a check in the “Empty scenery cache on exit†check box).

5. Run the Auto AEC tool in Vector after every scenery change. Be sure to click "Apply"





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The Vector entries are in the wrong place.  They should be just above the Base nnnn entries.  The ORBX!VECTOR_AEC is correct.  The OrbxLibs should be at the top of the list, unless you have other non-Orbx addon airports, then they are above the OrbxLibs.



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ok so i uninstalled all orbx products ...global vector and nrm region........


airport is back to normal apart from the large satellite dish in the last 2 in tower view....guess that is an fsx problem.....It appears that when you zoo out it zooms right into the tower some times showing three windows but mostly what u see in the last 2 screen shots


will re install all and try the above and report back...



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ok I have re installed everything and elevations are good...I have not run AEC and CZVL is fine. The install error went away when I tried to install a 2nd time. I have managed to find and install FTX central v.2. Found the EXE file in the orbx folder........FSX Is Acceleration addition. Win 7 64 bit fully updated. Vid card catalyst center using version 14.2......(15.???screws up) However no settings regarding the vid card. Can not find the radeon settings video on you tube I used before soleft it at default settings.


However I still think the textures are not so good.....again have NRM region installed, global and vector. FS Geneius Mesh. Below are some screen shots of the same area ...

Am I just asking to much and expecting too much from this scenery....The screen shots on the forums looked awesome compared to what I am getting....


Can't get back default textures for runways taxiways  as I used REX and no option to restore.....unless anybody knows how?


first shots using nrm region......around CZVL (Villeneuve) -


additional problem loaded up FSX today to do new screen shots and was met by this on the runway....something is not right! (and I'm no expert on this!!!)




after crashing into the trees on the runway FSX did the re loaded thing and I got this......



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Thanks Nick this resolved the latest issue.........


Dough I have posted more shots as requested from around czvl............ However these look good to me if you could compare and comment...I think the original problem was with REX......


In there download center they have enhanced grass and environment bitmap for FSX. I had this installed. I assume this is for default FSX not ORBX regions or global and this may have been causing the downgrade in image quality.......perhapse 1 of the orbx team could comment or anybody else that is in the know.....


I ask as there is also enhancement's in this download are for water environment reflections,  15 and 7 cm roads with and without cars and also HD jetways and airport parking.....


Should I install these or install FSX default and let orbx take care of it????


Thanks for all everybodys help.....










Just 1 last question... I installed these products as I am starting my navigation part of my private pilots lic. This entails nav by VFR using landmarks.


I was hoping global and vector would give accurate roads etc........however around CZVL it does not appear to match the actual map I use for roads landmarks ...


Again am I asking too much?

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Hi Tommy


Ya, good job... your screenshots are lookin better, pretty much the same as mine....really not much to see in that neck of the woods anyway hahaha....I only have Highways,Primary roads and Railways selected in my Vector, and when I fly around the area with my sim connected to Google Earth it shows very accurate...although every little watering hole and building in the area is not likely to be shown on your sim. Keep in mind that Vector data is probably not based on aeronautical VFR maps/charts....a more accurate landclass/landmark product for North America is in the making and we should have it soon...so stay tuned :)


Take your time with the addons....trying to do too much too fast will cause you problems....FSX is not a video game, it is a simulator and takes far more time and attention to get setup and running good... :)





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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Doug,


I think North America/Canada landclass has just been released...


I found out while looking at open VFR Terrain for Alberta.....Am I right in thinking Orbx Land class will do the same thing and open vfr terrain , and objects..


therefore if I am right I would be better getting Orbx LC instead of any of the openVFR products? ????


I am getting all confused over the global / vector and land class......I also have the actual region for Rockies which I think has all three anyway doesn't it? ??? or will the new Landclass be better than NA Rockies region?


P.S how do u stream to Google Maps I currently use PlanG on a networked laptop. Googlemaps would be kewl

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Hey Tommy


Ya, I have the new NA OpenLC installed and am still exploring....Orbx land class is more about accurate terrain and land use depiction, but doesn't add much in the way of objects...I am not familiar with "openVFR products"


CZVL is in your NRM region and the area should be fairly detailed compared to default....and yes the full regions such as NRM do include all the layers, but the OpenLC does seem to add still a bit more detail and nicer textures in places...


I use FlightSim Commander  ( http://www.fscommander.com/) to connect my sim to Google Earth, also with a networked laptop....and the rest of its features are amazing as well...



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I am now so confused and thought  I had sorted this all out!  lol


Installed is..


FS Genesis Canadain Mesh

Orbx Global

Orbx Vector

Orbx Canada L/C

Orbx NRM region (set to this in Central)


As far as I can work out this is the correct stuff...!!!!??????


Nice set up by the way... I am in middle of reno's so 1 screen only. But when done will have 100 inch hd projector as well.....Have you used projector...any thoughts??

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The fs genesis bit..is this necessary???....if nrm region has all layers is this necessary?...


is it necessary if using global instead of the region?....Am I better keeping the region selected or select global and have hybrid mode selected.....I read somewhere you don't get full effects of the region if go that route?....


However I sometime do fly out of nrm region

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If you want to limit your flying to just your NRM region (aka full fat region), then nothing else is required....I have more than one full fat region and IMO it is just a nuisance to keep switching between them in FTX Central, so I select Global Hybrid and all is well....




Also...have you read the definitive Guide?




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Good to hear!


FPS is a very controversial subject with flight sim...the goal is to have nice smooth visuals and turn off the FPS counter....a smooth visually satisfying sim can happen at 20fps, and an unsmooth, stuttering visual sim can happen at higher FPS ....keep in mind that unlike most video games that render graphics and data for a local area where the action is happening, your flight sim is trying to calculate and draw data 100's to 1000's of miles away and it takes much more resources from your PC to do so....I believe using an external limiter is better then using the internal FSX limiter, but I personally get better results using unlimited for my three monitor setup...

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