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If newest Library already installed: re-install after adding airport?


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a general question, please. It must have been asked (and answered) before, but somehow I am unable to find it in the forum, FAQ, etc.


We all know the mantra: "As the last item, always install the newest ORBX Library".


My question: If I have the newest Library already installed, and then add e.g. an Orbx airport, do I have to re-install the Library (on top of itself,as it were)?


I can imagine that it might indeed be necessary so that it "takes" for the newly added scenery, too (which may have an earlier creation date than the latest library, so that it needs to be "patched up").


Or is it sufficient to make sure that the Library already in place is really the latest version, and re-installation after adding sceneries is then not necessary?


Thanks for any enlightenment!





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I'm not a dev, but if you look at some of the problems folks have after they install a new scenery/airport, the solution is always to install the latest OrbxLibs.  So, in a nutshell, yes, it's necessary, not just a good idea, otherwise buildings tend to be missing, there may be no object flow, etc., etc.

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Thanks everyone.

I can see that it is probably a "good idea" -- but then again, it does (kind of) violate the great "If it ain't broken don't fix it" principle, which is why I was wondering...

Feel free to have an attention on the scenery user's manual after every installation

Well, I did have a look at the "FTX Definitive Guide v.2" and also the User's Guide for the latest scenery which I had already installed (Norway), but that made me no wiser: The best I could find were admonitions to install the respective newest Library, but that may as well apply only to cases where an older one is still in place; and thus does not exactly answer the question (as Griphos above also notes) if a re-installation is necessary if you do have the newest Library already.




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Martin, I see your point and will be interested to see the "official" reaction.  I have been under the impression that not re-installing the Libs after an install of a new scenery risked having problems with missing buildings, etc.

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Reinstalling after every airport was the norm back when the installers contained the libraries, now they don't.  Just open Central, if the library on your drive changed, it will grab whatever files it needs.

Bruce,  There are still some of the older airports that contain the (older libraries), but you're right.  Old habits die hard, however.



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Just to muddy the waters a bit more:

I just installed first the FTX ENG Patch004, and one of the pop-ups during the installation actually said "no need to re-install [the newest Library] if you already have done this once"


Next I installed NA PAJN and there the installer (for the original v.1.00) pointed out that it comes with Library v.130905, and please to not forget to install a newer one if available. But even though I haven't doen that (yet), FTX Global still says I have the newest (150331) already.

Go figure! :D


I agree it's not a very serious issue, but inquiring minds want to know...

And as  to "how can that become a problem?", I'm sure I can think of several ways if I put my mind to it. ;) 




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If ya don't re-install and there is no problems its good.  If there's problems go back and re-install. 

The new Central is supposed to auto-install any newer library that becomes available.  Perhaps Ben can jump in here and confirm that it will automatically re-install the latest library if an "older" scenery installer alters the library the user has installed prior to running the 'older' scenery installer to answer the question once and for all?!

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Hi all,
Yes, if an older version of the Orbx Libs has been installed, FTX Central v2 will let you know (via the green bar at the top of the window).
The only scenarios where you need to manually download and install the libraries off the website are:

  • You want to have a local copy of the .zip.
  • Your simulator computer does not have access to the internet.
  • FTX Central v2 isn't working correctly (please let me know if this is the case!)
  • FTX Central v2 says you are running the latest version, but you can confirm that you are not.


Hopefully this answers everyone's questions, if you would like anything clarified, feel free to ask.

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