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Sometimes our ATC is not too familiar with Orbx mesh...


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Getting ready for another Norway service in Tromsoe, ...



... with Stu´s Dash always close to me.



Typical summer mountains enroute ...



... before ATC assigned a south approach into Narvik for me. I missed the altitude instructions twice, because ...



... there are some obstacles in full-fat-Norway, which the tower guys just do not seem to know:



But finally, and very slow ...



... SAS services made it safely into Narvik.


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These are great shots.


Grand set these Gerold.




Thank you for watching & commenting, mates!


Spectacular shots mate!

But it itches my brain, Orbx Narvik's child is a long time in gestation! Will it (she) be born as normal? LoL ::)

We shall see! It is long-awaited! :banghead:


Looking forward to Orbx Narvik...


Indeed, an upgrade of the area will be interesting. It is remote, so some attractions would be needed. Let´s wait and see..


"Aviate, Navigate, Communicate" - You did all three very well Captain Gerold , plus snapped some great shots along the way too . :smile: :smile:




Looks like one of the known issues with ATC and the like... I've switched on approach old and had AP fly into mountains, s't happens.  :D


Great shots!  Who do those ATC guys think they are anyway? Lol!


Oh this lovely ATC... I even use a 3rd party add-on (not the default), but it seems to me the improved mesh did not find its way into the ATC procedures...


Thank you all for the comments!

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