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John Burgess

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Everything posted by John Burgess

  1. Hi Ben. First thing to check is that KMIA is above the TE Florida entries in the scenery library. All the best, John
  2. Hi Ray, Glad you at least found the reason we were seeing different things. I'd check out a higher resolution if I could but I'm not sure Carol would be impressed with me buying an expensive new monitor just to 'check out a problem Ray was having' All the best, John
  3. - story of my life, it was state of the art when I got it. Managed to test RC with a whole lot less horsepower than I've got now! All the best, John
  4. Hi Ray, No I didn't, just took my favourite helicopter for a flight round! Went back and taxied from one end to the other (in the default cessna) half at day, half at night then took off runway 30 (DL enabled). Had frame rates 30 to 40 with little or no stutters. Neither CPU nor GPU seemed over exerted. Doubt there's any more I can do to help I'm afraid. All the best, John
  5. Hi Ray, Just had a quick fly around LEBB but I'm afraid I don't see the dramatic change you are seeing when using dynamic lighting. Frame rates are 20 to 30 - seem a bit lower when using DL but nothing dramatic. GPU usage is around 50 to 60% with little apparent change when using DL. I am, however, running at a much lower resolution - 1920 x 1080 - on a much smaller monitor so maybe that could be part of the reason for the difference in what we are seeing. Sorry I can't be of more help, All the best, John
  6. Good question, in testing I quickly tried to look at how things were with LatinVFR KMIA. If you disabled the city in the LVFR control panel it looked okay - but , as I said, just a quick look. All the best, John
  7. Hey, I think you just corrected the spelling as well. Great place to be I hear All the best, John
  8. Glad someone else has memories! I remember 'boing' said Zebedee but neither would probably be considered PC before the 6 o'clock news these days! All the best, John
  9. I remember, when I was young, (a while back) just before the 6 o'clock news a wonderful thing on TV (yes, we did have it in those days!) called the Magic Roundabout - anyone else remember that Just reminded me of days gone past. Real reason for posting is to be Nosey. Andy, I get the feel that this airport is of particular importance. Your local one? All the best, John
  10. Hi Thomas, I can confirm that I am seeing the same as you in P3Dv4.5. There's no problem using Fly Tampa Las Vegas with Boulder City provided the Fly Tampa scenery has a higher priority in the scenery library. If it does not I find I get a cliff effect running straight across the Fly Tampa scenery. All the best, John
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