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Everything posted by olderndirt

  1. I'm using a GTX1660ti with 6GB vram and an i5-9600k - don' know nuthin' 'bout no Baron - that was a Turbo Otter.
  2. If you swing over to the 'screenshot' thread I've posted a couple of Vulkan shots, one featuring the Vflyte turbo Otter. From what I've seen so far the rendering is noticeably improved and, though my frames are locked at 30, it's smooth as glass. I have always thought that XP11 presents the Orbx TE scenery at its best.
  3. While all you gents are dealing with your '2020's' and 'P3D's', I'm financially committed to XP 11.50 which I'm pleased to say has, thus far, presented no problems though their much maligned (betas) were certainly food for thought.
  4. Talking about acreage - when I worked in WVA, we elected to live on the Ohio side of the river and bought a place in 'Wolf Creek Holler'. Nine and a half acres, mostly up the side of a hill but we had grape vines, tomatoes, corn and a little pond complete with four resident mallards. My Barn had a 'Mail Pouch' tobacco ad painted on the side and inside was a Ford 8N with brush hog and other PTO attachments. What a life but it became a 'dead end' jobwise so we bid back to Alaska.
  5. I too am 82 and a bit - 5/22/1938 - curious about yours.
  6. Liked this one - 'Felt something cold and wet on my arm, damned mosquito used an alcohol wipe before she bit me'.
  7. The colors appear similar to the "true colors" used in TE FLA. Will they match the colors of TE NorCal which, as far as I know, was not "true colors"?.
  8. That gal gets around - last time I saw her was Broome WA making sure her old man got on the plane as she phoned her 'new friend'.
  9. If it's essential, it's out there. Saw an ad for 'wine to your door' guaranteed virus free.
  10. Was glad to hear you mention 'Calm' - I try to have a glass or two of it every evening about this time. Works a charm, the rest of the day goes so much smoother.
  11. Tough times indeed. Couple of cancer stricken friends taken off preventative measures so it appears to be age and survivability are two of our most negative assets in the selection process. A month to go 'til 82 and, since I've been socially distancing for about ten years now, think I'll make it. In a few months we can look back on this as yet another chapter in our piece of history.
  12. Where have you been? Good to see your smiling face - keep your distance .
  13. A word from Washington State, currently leader in the US 'Corona Virus' sweepstakes. Not a joke by any means but at my age you know something IS going to get you so the current excitement is a little lower key. Hopefully all our esteemed leaders are on the same page on this since it shows how really ineffective all political posturing is when an event like this occurrs. As we emerge at the other end a new day should be dawning but, as my old Scottish Gran used to say "Ah hae ma doots".
  14. I'd have used a Duke myself but all I had was the 120 - thought I'd sold it but had to come from Anchorage to bring it back - did sell it it Alaska and got the Pacer.
  15. Here's a flight for you John. Depart Huntington, WVA (KHTS) heading westbound - eventual destination PAMR (Merrill Field, Anchorage) - aircraft Cessna 120 - distance 4100 miles. Did this real life back in '77, weather was perfect and time enroute 4 1/2 days. If you're interested, I'll give you my route, overnight spots etc. Price of gas is higher now so take your best plastic.
  16. You think that's bad - wait for the 'No Deal' .
  17. Nice paint - what happened to the baggage door on the left nose? Being a critic is so easy - I couldn't paint my way into a corner.
  18. I'm back on V3 and installed LOWI and EGHA just fine but all the other stuff shows "uninstalled" - I'm in Limbo.
  19. I've been watching the show 'Harlots' where bauds are frequently mentioned - it may be spelled differently.
  20. Speaking of fun - how many have mentioned how much you look like the new P.M. - let your hair grow out a little.
  21. My parents divorced at the end of the war and my new (step) dad, an American airman, whisked my mum to Denver, CO. Unfortunately, at the time, GI brides could not arrive with children so there was a delay of seven years before I too arrived. Lots of this and that involved but that's the condensed story.
  22. Every boy had his collection of marbles - from favorite 'shooter' to the not so good ones you forfeited when you lost. No 'steelies' please.
  23. I just noticed 'Frizelle's' mention of old chestnuts. Do you Brits remember 'Conkers'. The trees were invariably on private property which added to their basic worth. I remember my string was more precious than fish 'n' chips. It was one of our little boyhood check outs right along with marbles in the gutter.
  24. If you're looking for a good price on a Douglas, check out the Aeroworx C47 - it's Manfred's ported to XP and still free.
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