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Jack Sawyer

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Everything posted by Jack Sawyer

  1. MSFS Orbx's South America Mesh MilViz's C310 I decided to have a look and I was astonished by what I saw. The beauty here is amazing. I wanted to fly along the Amazon River for a little so I made an out and back from SBEG Manaus Eduardo Gomes Intl. What a relaxing and amazing area. Getting some altitude so I could spot the Amazon. Nope, ain't gonna do it. Not here either. I'm amazed at how wide this river is! Heading back. Flying past to catch the ILS at runway 11. On final
  2. I was hoping no one would notice Paul! You caught me
  3. I sure hope so, I've noticed that this sim has outstanding scenery but the default planes are very lacking. Kind of like the original.
  4. Thanks John, if I can do it anyone can do it
  5. Thanks John. Like most of their stuff it’s on my to buy list and this time I’ll have to wait for another sale.
  6. MSFS Orbx's PAEN I got the helicopter to work but I'm underwhelmed and not very gruntled about it. I wish there was an A2A or PMDG quality chopper but alas I may never see one, one of very high quality.
  7. Thanks Calum, I’m always glad when people like my shots.
  8. Thanks Paul. It is easy with 1/3 fuel and empty. The passengers? They told me they always love the thrill, they say it's better than a roller coaster
  9. MSFS Orbx's Melbourne This concludes our Melbourne flight. I got the freeware helicopter so I'm hoping to explore Melbourne in slower and greater detail soon. Hope you enjoyed the ride. A quick bank to the left... Made it. And back for a landing.
  10. Sadly none. Wish I could go and one place would be to Walter Sutton's just for the peace and quiet, and Orcas too.
  11. I agree Paul. In mu opinion I've always thought LOWI to be the benchmark to compare all others to. Wonderful shots.
  12. Wonderfully done Don! Sometimes the title populates itself after just one letter typed in. This is what makes it easy for me to find out what "Melbourne part..." to post next. I type in M and it self populates. Maybe this could explain it?
  13. Fantastic shots Don, especially in the airport, the lady with the phone, she's cute as a button.
  14. Nice shots John! This is Lanai? Another one I must buy because of the interior. And I'm amazed it's been two years, it flew by, pun intended.
  15. Thanks martyn, it looks like this out my window at present but it's just a tease, no rain, the weather people are all hat and no cattle.
  16. Thanks Wayne, I seriously happen to like this kind of weather better.
  17. Yup, will post when I get a chance.
  18. Thanks Karl, they’re irresistible.
  19. Too late, already been done and photographed for posterity.
  20. Thanks Andreas! I landed back at Melbourne.
  21. Thanks Paul. I did and I’ll post them later. Making a nice BBJ flight from Orbx’s KLAX to KLAS. So far so good and very scenic. What a graceful sim.
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