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Jon Clarke

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Posts posted by Jon Clarke

  1. Hi Wayne. From the vids of MSFS 2024 the highly promoted aspect seems to be the inclusion of adventure scenarios of firefighting, crop spraying etc. 

    Personally not my thing, but I am sure it will appeal to "gamers".

    I am more interested in what internal improvements there will be to the core sim rather than than than all the new adventure type aspects. 


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  2. To best test the Orbx addon of NorCal is to rename your Custom Scenery folder to Custom Scenery.x

    Then make a new Custom Scenery folder

    Make shortcuts to the NorCal addon and place those shortcuts into the new Custom scenery folder.

    Along with shortcuts for the orbxLibs library and Global Airports.

    Run XP then exit after it has loaded. Check the scenery packs layering  that Global Airports is on top and the Norcal addon below with the  Orbx Libs file

    See if that improves anything. There will be no other addons in the Custom Scenery file to have any potential interference etc.

  3. There are certain refinements in MSFS settings that may be required in order to alleviate things like stutters and tearing etc.

    The mod works only in DX12 beta and that in itself means more vram is used.

    First off make sure that Vertsync is OFF in the sim but ON in the Nvidia Control Panel

    Then I suggest that the Terrain Level Of Detail is used to test different settings and results regarding tearing or stutters.

    I always had it at 200 but now I have trimmed it down and see no discernible difference visually, and have no tearing or stutters.

    The results of this mod in action is available on many, many vids on Youtube for example.

    As to what this mod actually introduces, whether it is adding frames between frames or what ever, does not really interest me. 

    I just look at the results regarding fluidity of flight.

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  4. 1 hour ago, John Dow said:

    Doesn't work for me, I try to copy the files to the folder where the FlightSimulator.exe is and it won't allow me.  the message is that I don't have any room in the folder, which I'd say is their way of saying access to put anything in the folder is denied.

    Hi John

    That sounds a strange problem you have.

    To make sure you are placing the files in the right folder I suggest you run the sim. While it is running go to Task manager and right click on the sim and choose Open File Location. That way you definitely have the correct folder. I suggest this, because I too had tried the mod with no effect. There can be a couple of places that show the FlightSim.exe, for example I have one in Windows Apps. By doing what I suggest above, I discovered that the actual legit and required file was in XBox Games.

    So, first run the DisableNvidiaSignatureChecks.

    You get the notification that it has changed the Reg.

    Then, ensuring you now have the correct folder containing the FlightSim.exe. drop the dlssg to fsr amd is better and the nvngx.dll files into the folder.

    Please note that you must not use the Developer option, especially the fps counter. Use another fps counter so you can see the fps reading change when you turn on and off the Frame Generation option in MSFS settings

    Don't give up as it is really the best mod i have encountered for a sim , ever

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  5. Merry Xmas to all😀

    Surprised the topic of the FSR3 Frame Generation has not even been mentioned here yet.

    I have it installed in MSFS and my fps reads 80-110 everywhere, and that is on all Ultra (with exception of a couple of options I don't particularly like like Bloom and lens flare. those are set to Off.) I usually run with a Custom graphics setting, a mix of High end and ultra depending on the level of detail of the scenery/airport would be getting 35-45 generally. on the ground with full traffic, maybe varying between 25-35 depending on view.

    Now, everything at plus 80.

    I get those framerates with both FS Traffic running on it's own and also with FSLT injector and FSLT models, and FSLT using FS Traffic models as a priority.

    It's not a matter of just a fps count competition but it is accompanied by ultra smooth, no stutter etc, flight.

    It is the nearest thing to the "silver bullet" I have seen to date. You must have a RTX GPU

    You must use DX12 beta in the sim.

    You must use the full loading method via the MSFS app and not any "shortcut" starter like MFS Fast Launch or similar.

    For FPS monitoring do not use the Developers in built FPS counter but something like afterburner/Riva Tuner.

    I strongly recommend Googling it.

    Take care all


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  6. I note that contributors to the forum each have a little blue circular logo(?) next to their name which reveals some kind of Ranking.

    I ask because I note that since I left Orbx I was labelled as VIP. There was never an explanation given as what this title entailed or meant.

    Now I see I am demoted to Member.

    Who designates these rankings?

    Maybe someone at Orbx can explain the purpose of these rankings and the benefits, if any, that go with the title

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  7. @Moggy123

    I have not checked the log fie thoroughly but ask if you have installed both the XP11 Orbxlibs library AND the XP 12 Orbxlibs library?

    Without the XP11 OrbxLibs there will be missing objects etc that the XP11 addons needs to make the loading of that addon complete. If you don't have those 2 libraries installed you will get error notices.

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  8. No need to be deleting and reinstalling anything. Just rename your current Custom Scenery fie to Custom Scenery.x

    Make a new Custom Scenery folder and then copy/paste the TE addons, Global airports, XP12 Orbx library. Make sure that the TE addons are layered correctly. In XP11 Global Airports was best placed just below all the 3rd party Airport addons and just above the TE files. XP12 was made slightly different but I still place the Global Airports files above TE.

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  9. Yes TE does have millions of placed trees in it. It was/is one of the major features of a TE addon, n that all the tees ae carefully hand placed in the scenery.

    Here is an extract from TE titles on the Orbx Direct sales site:

     Using the latest technology, millions of trees have been accurately placed throughout the entire region and grouped together to create an immersive environment if you enjoy flying close to the ground. The vegetation has been hand-coloured to ensure it blends in perfectly with the ground textures.


    Using Global Trees will cause some kind of clash depending on the placement of Global Trees in the scenerypacks.

    I think it more of a case of moving Global Trees down the scenerypacks rather than being able to remove trees from the TE addon

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  10. I am interested to know if anyone uses their wifi connection for simming. I ask as I have always been directly connected to the internet via ethernet.

    The other day I happened to run a speed test on my new mobile phone and got a 56Mbps reading. This compares with a speed of 530Mbps on my desktop via ethernet. My wife's laptop, non ethernet connected, also has a similar download speed as my mobile.

    The difference in speed is vast and when using a sim like MSFS the internet connection speed is a vital aspect considering that imagery is being downloaded while flying ( I do not use any cached scenery)


  11. Just like to add that the FSElite video of July last year, where @Anna Cicognani appeared with Laminar, regarding what Orbx was doing with XP12, indicated work  on XP12 addons was being worked on. This was a video that showed us the work that Orbx was doing in collaboration with Laminar. There was also the Orbx XP dev who spoke about the issues Orbx were having in regard to accommodating the "new" XP12 features like the new trees and water. It was said that especially the new water feature was a problem Orbx were trying hard to resolve as it was mostly an issue in the True Earth addons.

    Since then there has been no update on XP12 True Earth update progress. We were told that we could use the XP11 version. This proved correct and many users adopted that version successfully. However it is not a XP12 version.

    In conclusion I have to agree that in comparison to MSFS, the demand for XP12 is limited. It would "appear" (due to lack of any Orbx Dev update) that work on TE for XP12 is probably not happening at all. If it is now almost a year of attempting to resolve the new XP12 features then I would assume the update idea has been shelved.

    This is only my opinion and is nothing to do with my former inside knowledge when I worked for Orbx in  XP support. I left that role in December 2022

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