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Doug Sawatzky

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Everything posted by Doug Sawatzky

  1. Hmmm...I had the the same CTD at NZGS until I unchecked the dynamic lighting option.
  2. Hi Charles Please uncheck\deactivate the P3Dv4 Only Dynamic Lighting option in the NZGS control panel and try again.
  3. Hi Orbx Central has been updated many times since its inception, and will automatically update itself when the user starts\opens it. So I am not sure which version you had running previously or why you would need to uninstall it, if it was in fact Orbx Central? What version is the .exe you are trying to use?
  4. Hi, welcome to the forums. Please see the below topic.
  5. Hi Romano Please use the below link to submit a ticket. https://support.orbxdirect.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000290675
  6. Hi, no worries With the amount of time and work you have already put into this and got nowhere, I think the only logical thing to do is a full system re-format and rebuild. I know if it was me, that's what I would be doing. But this time, install P3D and do not add anything unit you confirm the default simulator is working as it should first.
  7. Hi Dieter Please first open Orbx Central, go to settings\help and run the sync simulator function, then install everything into the sim using Orbx Central without restarting the sim after each install., then close Orbx Central. Then delete both the “add-ons.cfg” and the “scenery_add-ons.xml” file found at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5. Then restart the simulator to rebuild them, and select yes for each item it asks to enable.
  8. Hi Jerry Please do a reinstall of the airport. I would also do a verify files of the Orbx Libraries.
  9. Hi Guy's Vector for V% does not have an airport elevation tool because it handles this differently than the previous versions of P3D. To fix the box asking if I want to enable Orbx Global Vector.. Please delete the “add-ons.cfg” and the “scenery_add-ons.xml” file found at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5. Then restart the simulator to rebuild them, then shut the sim down. Then open Orbx Central, go to settings\help and run the sync simulator function.
  10. Hi No need to delete the other files that are named something other than "scenery.cfg". Could you please tell me what location the above screenshot. Is that Florida? I would do a verify files of all your Orbx products from within Orbx Central. Also, please re-post the "scenery.cfg" file that is in the ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX location.
  11. No, they need to be above, but you will need to use the the insertion point tool or they will not stay there. Also, when you are in Orbx Central, go to settings\help and run the sync simulator function. The last scenery.cfg you posted needs to be in the C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX location and be the only one present there.
  12. I don't think your simulator is reading the correct scenery.cfg file, that is why I sked you to use the FSX registry tool.
  13. Because it is lowest non Orbx 3rd party entry listed in your scenery library as shown below is your scenery.cfg. The item directly below (Edwards_AFB) "Addon Scenery" is the first named default FSX entry. And your Orbx products should be below your non Orbx 3rd party items, and above the default named items, but they are currently at the top. And the Vector items must stay exactly where they are now.
  14. Ok thanks So now, please open Orbx Central and go to settings\Insertion Point and use the "Addon Scenery" entry as your lowest non Orbx 3rd party entry to set the insertion point as per the below image. Please ignore the red circle in the image, but observe the yellow text.
  15. Thanks That scenery.cfg from the root folder is just a default backup file and has nothing but FSX default entries. So, Please use the FSX Registry Utility found at this link https://www.tweakfs.com/store/free_tools.php and use the "Set Path" option and point it to your FSXSE installation. https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/147088-how-to-use-the-tweakfs-fsx-registry-utility/
  16. Thanks Gabe But there is no Orbx products installed to that scenery.cfg. What is in the Addon Scenery folder? Orbx products should not be there. If you open Orbx Central, what is the install location shown? As in my below example image circled in red. Mine is in J:\FSX\
  17. Hi Gabe Please tell us what location that is of your screenshot. Also, Please post a copy of your scenery.cfg file found at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX. Please note: Do not open the file and copy and paste the contents, just attach the file. To get rid of the black squares you will need to uncheck the DX10 mode option in FSX.
  18. Hi, welcome to the forums Please try the process in the below topic.
  19. Hi If you experience this again, you will need to do a full uninstall and reinstall of the product to fix the configurator\control panel.
  20. Hi You will need to submit a ticket using the below link. https://support.orbxdirect.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  21. Thanks Mike, good news! Happy New Year to you as well!
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