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Doug Sawatzky

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Everything posted by Doug Sawatzky

  1. Hi They work perfectly for me, but I do not have GSX. Is your SODE registered and activated? Have you also asked at GSX support?
  2. Yes, Objectflow is mandatory for most Orbx products to work correctly. You already have an external library created at C:\Users\User\Orbx Library\p3dv5, and it will install there, although it is highly recommended to create a new library that is not in the "Users" file structure. It is very common for it not to work within the "Users" file structure because of Windows permissions issues. Objectflow is always required to be install outside of the simulator, and it is perfectly normal to have everything else installed within the simulator.
  3. Hi 1. The list in the Insertion Point tool is not meant to duplicate the scenery library, so no need to worry about that. 2.To find Orbx Objectflow, open Orbx Central and click on "My Products", then scroll down to near the bottom of the list. 3. No, nothing else to do, and I see the green successfully adjusted green banner, so all is good. 4. Yes, you have set the insertion point correctly.
  4. Thanks First please open Orbx Central and go to settings/Insertion Point tool and set it as per the below image. In your case, you would need to use your EDDL Addon in the top Inserted Below field. Also, I don't see Orbx Objectflow installed, so please install it as well. Then try your sim again.
  5. Hi Please post a copy of your “scenery.cfg” file and the “add-ons.cfg” and the “scenery_add-ons.xml” file found at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5. Please note: Do not open the files and copy and paste the contents, just attach the files.
  6. Hi Don, yes this is correct. This is also correct. In regards to the download speeds, sometimes if you restart Orbx Central it will move faster. It will also resume from where it left off even if you restart your PC, but unfortunately there is nothing we can do about your download speeds, that would be controlled by your ISP.
  7. Hi Steve Thanks, and I do have the same issue. So, I have asked the developer to have a look at this topic.
  8. Hi, welcome to the forums Please have a read of the below topic. It appears that the MS Marketplace version is having these issues, as the product installed via Orbx Central does not.
  9. Hi In that case, I would just try deleting the content.xml, and the .dat files in the Scenery Indexes folder, and also deleting and turning off the rolling cache. Not sure if others are having the same issue with trees in the wrong spots, but I do know that when ESMS is installed via Orbx Central there is no tree issues.
  10. Hi So sorry, but we do not know what the coming soon period is going to be. but it is still coming.
  11. Hi Steve My suggestion is a first step basic troubleshooting exercise that can be used for any issue with this simulator. Also, maybe have a look at the below video...I wonder if it could be related to a setting phenomena?
  12. Hi I found that depending on the angle that is being viewed from outside the cockpit, if I keep the view low and closer to the ground all is good. As soon as I try to look at the aircraft from the top it goes under ground. But from inside the cockpit I can drive the aircraft into the rock and it doesn't matter the view angle from inside.
  13. Hi Please first rename your Community folder to CommunityX. Then create a new Community folder and install just this one product. Then try again. You could also try deleting the content.xml, and the .dat files in the Scenery Indexes folder, and also deleting and turning off the rolling cache.
  14. Hi Rory I think the word "library" gets confused with a few different meanings. The "Orbx Libraries" are a free product that needs to be installed for the other Orbx products to work, so yes you can install these first to the new library/folder that you can create in a location of your choosing. The "Libraries" page in Orbx Central is where you can create new library/folder locations...this has nothing to do with the "Orbx Libraries" product.
  15. Hi First, please try Renault's advice in the below topic. It is very unlikely your issue is caused by Objectflow alone.
  16. Hi Rory Yes you can use that advice. You may also want to create a new library/folder for your v5.2 by visiting the settings/libraries page in Orbx Central.
  17. Hi Also have a look at the below topic and the post I included there. It is very important to use the O&O defrag "Name" function for flight simulators on HDD's. I also included a copy and paste document from Nick N's FSX Bible below. It is very long winded and dated, but still has lots of relevant info. I think he also mentions that when our PC is searching for files on a HDD that is not Name defragged, it is actually using more CPU cycles that contribute to overall performance. https://www.simforums.com/forums/the-fsx-computer-system-the-bible-by-nickn_topic46211.html From Nick N on Defrag of FSX.docx
  18. Hi I wonder if it is a phenomena similar to the one shown in the below video?
  19. Hi Are you able to navigate to the file locations that Nick has mentioned in his above list?
  20. Yes it is safe to delete the rolling cache anytime, below is a quick google search with lots of info. https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+rolling+cache+in+MSFS&rlz=1C1PRFI_enCA834CA834&oq=what+is+rolling+cache+in+MSFS&aqs=chrome..69i57.14507j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 One of the negatives may be that it stores corrupt data.
  21. Sure, always worth a try. I would not only delete the rolling cache, I would also turn it off
  22. Hi Please type in the windows search box "Folder Options" Then open the File Explorer Options. Then click on the "View" tab. Then select "Show hidden files, folders, and drives" Then click on Apply and OK.
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