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Doug Sawatzky

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Posts posted by Doug Sawatzky

  1. I just did a flight from W04 to KELN and only found near perfection at both.


    Also paid a visit to KTNP and all is well, image below.


    Another thought....for the airports that are not correct for you, maybe do a search of your entire system for example without the quotes "KTNP.bgl" and see if it will locate more than just the default or Orbx files. 




    KTNP 1.PNG

    KTNP 2.PNG

  2. No worries, and no you are not monopolizing my time. :) I am on vacation from my day job and just at home enjoying hanging out with you guys.


    I would like to see those three files again tho please (“scenery.cfg” file and the “add-ons.cfg” and the “scenery_add-ons.xml”).


    We can be in same boat, because I am feeling a bit brain dead myself wondering what is going on lol. I did consider you may be an escapee but soon we will find out that would be me hahaha. 


    I just did a new full uninstall and reinstall of P3Dv5.3, only because I didn't want to do just the hot fix.

    I am sitting at KSPS right now and see no floating aircraft or anything, KSPS is looking perfect on my end, and I will do some checking on those other airports you are using as a test.


    As far as floating buildings and sometimes floating aircraft are known as a normal phenomenon that can usually be cleared up by just doing a scenery refresh, such as going to the in game scenery library and clicking on OK to let it rebuild.  I somehow seem to think it's based on memory or video memory and something to do with the simulator not calling those objects at the correct time, or them not being available at the correct time.


    You have a very nice system indeed, we don't have to worry about that or old style mechanical hard drives.


    Just to confirm...you do have your mesh resolution setting in P3D at 5m, correct?

  3. Ok, so no, there is no disadvantage in leaving all the Orbx scenery files checked, other than loading time.


    So now lets delete the “scenery.cfg” file and the “add-ons.cfg” and the “scenery_add-ons.xml” file found at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5.


    Restart the simulator to rebuild them, then shut down the simulator.


    Then open Orbx Central and go to settings\help and run the sync simulator function.


    Then do a verify files of the Orbx Libraries, and Orbx ObjectFlow, 


    Then have another look at the sim.

  4. Hi


    All of the default base layers are mandatory for the simulator do display scenery. below is the list.


    There are actually 32 default named layers, that yes, could be unchecked\deactivated for various reasons, but could also cause anomalies. The below images are from your above posted scenery.cfg.


    32 Default Named Layers


    Default Named.PNG


    Mandatory Numbered Base Layers

    Default Numbered.PNG

    Default Numbered 1.PNG

    Default Numbered 2.PNG

  5. Hi


    I see you have the majority of your default numbered scenery items unchecked\deactivated in your scenery library. These are mandatory and will need to be checked\activated in order for your scenery to display properly.


    You will also need to check\activate all the default named scenery items as well.

  6. Thanks Chelsea and no worries. :)


    My next thought is I noticed you have six different libraries for P3Dv5 on two different drives (listed below). Is this really necessary? I wonder if all these paths are working correctly?


    Would it be possible to reinstall you Orbx stuff all in one library? It is also very confusing with all the different but similar Library Titles and paths.


    Because my next recommendation would be to do a verify files of all your Orbx products or at least Global base, Vector, all the Open LC products, and all the Regions, so it would be nice if they were all being read from the same library location. Maybe Orbx Central or the simulator is getting confused also lol?


    PATH=D:\Orbx Libraries\Airports for P3dv5\p3dv5
    TITLE=Orbx Airports for P3dv5


    PATH=C:\Users\Chelsea\Orbx Main Library\p3dv5
    TITLE=Orbx Main Library


    PATH=D:\Airports for P3D\p3dv5
    TITLE=Orbx Airports for P3D


    PATH=D:\Orbx Airports for P3D\p3dv5
    TITLE=Orbx Orbx Airports for P3D


    PATH=C:\Orbx Central Library\p3dv5
    TITLE=Orbx Orbx Central Library


    PATH=D:\Orbx P3D\p3dv5
    TITLE=Orbx Orbx P3D

  7. Ok thanks


    Please confirm you have moved Objectflow from the C:\users file structure.


    Then, lets delete the “add-ons.cfg” and the “scenery_add-ons.xml” file found at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5.


    Then restart the sim to have them rebuilt.


    Then open Orbx Central and go to settings\help and run the sync simulator function.


    Then close Orbx Central and retest the sim for Objectflow installation.

  8. Thanks Chelsea


    I wish you could take screenshots from outside the airplane without the massive zoom factor, is that the nose of the aircraft protruding from the bottom of the picture?


    I can still see very little in your screenshots, they are horrible to try and diagnose anything with. For the most part, all I can see is the nose of the aircraft, some tarmac and sky.


    The only reason I asked if you tried the sim as a fresh default without anything added, is to verify that these issues are not being caused by a corrupt P3Dv5 install.


    Then if all is well with the default install, you could start adding one by one to find the culprit.


    I also see you have a library located at C:\Users\Chelsea\Orbx Main Library\p3dv5\.....I would uninstall the Orbx ObjectFlow and Global TerraFlora v2 from this location and create a new library that is not in the C:\Users\Chelsea\ file structure and then reinstall Orbx ObjectFlow and Global TerraFlora v2 to this new location. There have been many cases of Windows permission issues when using the C:\Users\ file structure.







  9. Ya I don't know how you are accomplishing that, I can't replicate the elevation issues if I tried. :)


    The CYYC screenshot didn't make it above, but I would like to see it.


    So, Please post again a copy of your “scenery.cfg” file and the “add-ons.cfg” and the “scenery_add-ons.xml” file found at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5.



  10. Hi


    My Nvidia settings are all at default, I don't do anything with them.


    Please post again a copy of your “scenery.cfg” file and the “add-ons.cfg” and the “scenery_add-ons.xml” file found at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5.


    Also, KELN and W04 are default P3D airports, so have you had a look at them with just a clean install of P3Dv5 without anything added?



  11. 14 minutes ago, MZee1960 said:

    Hi Doug,


    Just checking back.


    In the Ticket Portal, this was assigned to Richard Lincoln over a week ago, and still no guidance/response. I am wondering if he's away, or ? 


    I only wish someone gave me some feedback over there such as 'your request has been received, pls give us a few days to process .... etc.'



    Milan ......



    Hi Milan


    I will ask him for you.



  12. Hi Jerry


    After you have installed P3Dv5.3, you will need to run it at least once up to the default flight, then close the sim.

    Then open Orbx Central and select the sim from the drop down menu.

    Then click on "My Products"

    Only the products that are compatible with v5 that you own will show in the list.

    You will then need to install them into a location of your choosing.

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