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Nick Cooper

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Posts posted by Nick Cooper

  1. Hello,
    the link should have shown you the results of a search for "KLAX".
    If it did not, please type "KLAX" into the search box and click on search.



  2. Hello,
    welcome to the forums.
    Please see here:


    I will guess that the highlighted text applies to you:




    do you have both World Updates Nordics installed and the latest ESGG version installed that was released yesterday at Orbx Central?

    We had trees introduced with the latest world update that was released last week and we have been adjusting our scenery with a hotfix to get rid of trees.


    Our version is made to be compatible with the two World Update Nordics installed, streamed data and photogrammetry enabled.


    If you bought it via the Marketplace you will have to wait for them to approve the new build, if you bought it at Orbx the update is ready to be downloaded at Orbx Central.



  3. Hello,
    the kml files are the ones given to the testers at the outset.
    They will therefore not necessarily be a true reflection of the finished product.
    I don't have any others.
    As is supposed to happen, the beta testers have pointed out anomalies and the developers have fixed them.
    There should not be any duplicates or conflicts in the simulator.


    I attach the same for EU GB Central and it comes with the same caveat.


    • Thanks 1
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