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medx421 last won the day on September 5 2017

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About medx421

  • Birthday 12/07/1975

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  1. Is this only pertinent to MSFS purchased through the Microsoft Store, or through Steam also? I've been leaning towards purchasing from Steam mainly because it reportedly provides for better user control of the installation.
  2. To tag on to NickN's response, check the prepar3d\scenery\world\scenery folder for a file named: ADE_FTX_CRM_KBOI_elevation_adjustment.bgl If the file is present, disable it.
  3. Thanks Ken for your hard work. Looking forward to giving it a go. I'm just assuming it will work on v4 with updated navdata as well.
  4. So did anyone research if v5 default is 61B or BVU yet?
  5. Okay, partially fair, but at @Ken Hall's discretion, he could make a compatibility version with the BVU identifier if he chose. The consumer base and need supports it.
  6. To Scott's point though, the Aerodata or aero.sors modified default APX17190.bgl would reflect BVU instead of 61B, so modifying the product .bgl to KBVU should exclude the modified default. That's how I fixed the SCA airport issue. Changing the ICAO isn't difficult. It's changing the elevation adjustment.bgl, if it exists, that is a bit more challenging.
  7. What it does, in this case, is makes FSX/P3D display 2 different airports at the same place. As the 2 fields are designed differently, and with separate elevation data, it throws a real wrench in the mix. If you want to see other examples of affected fields, go to any of the below providing you have NCA or CRM also: KDIJ - Driggs-Reed Memorial - Formerly U59 KGOO - Nevada County - Formerly O17 KMPI - Mariposa-Yosemite - Formerly O68 KJAQ - Westover Amador County - Formerly O70
  8. So this is what I stumbled on with SCA and having the aero.sors update as well. I managed to fix the issue for the SCA field, but had to do some ADE and XML work to do so. I made those available to the community. That said, I am going to be in the camp with a base dataset having the field as KBVU. I don't plan on updating to v5 right away regardless of if it has 61B or BVU in the default dataset, so I'd like to get a fix regardless. I imagine, if I have to do it myself, it will be the same ADE and XML work required for at least one of the BGL's for this product. I am however, hoping a fix is coming for those of us who do have updated data, but aren't eager to make the migration to v5. This was to be a day one purchase for me, but I know (as I had a feeling) that it was going to have a conflict. Again, I am not going to have any meaningful time to sit down with it though for a day or two. @kmelz I understand your rule out technique. I am in the same camp you are. The fix is to either find a default, unmodified APX17190 as you are searching for, leave it disabled (not ideal), or have the Boulder City bgl's corrected to reflect BVU instead of 61B. If I make headway on it before it gets addressed here, I'll post a follow up. Keep this thread bookmarked though, because this is going to be a popular support topic :-)
  9. As in you deleted it? Thise files should never be disables in that you lose dozens of other airports in the process.
  10. Nice. That said though, not everyone is interested in migrating to v5. We'll work on a fix for those who aren't and who are in this support dilema.
  11. I don't know. If v5 updates the ICAO's to current, then Boulder City is going to be BVU by default which is the crux of this issue. I plan on buying this product, but am a day or so out before I can get to sit down at my computer. If it's still problematic, I'll try and help with a fix, as I have some experience with this thorn.
  12. I was hoping this wasn't going to be the case, but had a feeling it was going to be. We had a good discussion about this awhile back. Have a feeling this is going to be a frequent support issue for this product. I'm actually surprised this product didn't get the BVU designation.
  13. Winner. It's a fun ride up for sure. Totally different geography up top.
  14. Not sure how long the thread will continue, but don't want it to fade too quickly. Anyway, should be a softball. You can play Where's Waldo for the airport ;-)
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