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Everything posted by EasternT3

  1. Saying it’s non working is incorrect and therefore saying he shouldn’t model for Orbx is out of line , can you land at the airport without it? Yes. Is the airport accurately modelled ? Yes. does this issue cause the airport to be completely unusable? No He hasn’t...he answered the issue on January 10th. The answer obviously has not changed since then. Therefore he shouldn’t need to repeat himself. Im 99% Burbank is an Orbx product oppose to a 3rd party product sold through Orbx thus these forms are a way of getting support. Sorry nick if this is wrong but nick seems to be the face of support for MSFS/P3D product, it may seem that nick is a 3rd party but he’s not really as this seems to be his role acting as a support liaison between us and the developers who may not have time or want (for a better way of putting it) to trawl through forums
  2. Has anyone noticed memory leaks over the course of a flight since the last Sim Update? For example today I took off from Maccosim's EGCC in the FBW A32NX and flew across the pond to LVFR's KBDL, as I was landing my FPS dropped below 15 and was really stuttering, then I closed the sim and restarted it at KBDL, in the 32NX and my FPS was back above 30 and smooth as it can be. I've noticed this on pretty much all my flights since the sim update which makes me think it's a sim/memory issue over the length on a flight. Has anyone else had the same issue or know how to fix it? Thanks
  3. I'm interested too, I know of one scenery where it's possible to switch so it should be possible
  4. I agree but hopefully a nice balance can be found with small GA fields like Catalina and smaller commercial airports where GA can still be achieved but allows for commercial traffic too, and then the odd larger airfield like YMML (basically covering all bases )
  5. I think Axonos is a partner but Axonos announced themselves not all of their products will come to central including YPPH, but I agree with your list, a lot of talent people may not see because they don't have the right publishing/promotion behind them
  6. Jon, really sorry for highjacking the thread - I thought it'd be easier than starting a new one and referencing this, looking at your add ons I see you have a few mesh addons (including AU and Iceland by Orbx, I guess we'll be seeing them soon) would you say mesh adds to the base sim
  7. Great shots, have you done anything to your lighting? it looks amazing
  8. They're an official partner, so yes they are close to Asobo/MS I get where you're coming from but like you said a lot of people including me have spend thousands on previous sims, no-one is asking you to move sims or give up on a sim but Orbx as a company are doing the commercially right thing for them of focusing development for MSFS because it's the biggest market, massively bigger than P3D and X-Plane ever was, at least they're still developing products for P3D. I've seen a lot of creative insults towards MSFS. Why can't people accept there's another choice of sim to be used?
  9. Ditto, P3D is a thing of past for me now it looks like we'll hopefully have 4 PMDG products in MSFS by next summer
  10. As far as I know, a review I watched on DD's Seattle's Landmarks said that cars under bridges is an SDK limitation. Whether this has changed since the review I'm not sure.
  11. I think all the MSFS release show the sim is stable enough to create new sceneries. I wouldn’t read to much into it, other than NA is obviously not that high on the priority list currently
  12. Yeah it's a bit weird, I think axonos has said only certain products will make it to central
  13. I believe Axonos has confirmed it’s not coming to Orbx central.
  14. I was lucky to go pre-covid, only managed to see a Twin Otter landing and a Longitude (I think, a biz jet anyway) departing whilst on the beach
  15. Thank you, maybe it is already correct, I have just seen videos that make the sim look a bit different
  16. I recently purchased this monitor, https://www.amazon.co.uk/AOC-CU34G2X-BK-Widescreen-3440x1440/dp/B082VHT11B/ref=sr_1_14?crid=RJHREHN4R9VF&dchild=1&keywords=aoc%2Bmonitor&qid=1621197052&refinements=p_72%3A419156031%2Cp_n_feature_browse-bin%3A319914031&rnid=319909031&s=computers&sprefix=AOC%2B%2Caps%2C172&sr=1-14&th=1 I have gone into the settings and matched the resolution to the monitor, the issue is, MSFS on full screen makes the sim look stretched, but the windowed mode makes the sim look to condensed, does anyone know what I need to in the settings to make the sim look correct, or willing to share their display settings for on a widescreen monitor. Thanks
  17. Thanks, I'll hold off, there's not a lot of point in Perth for me until we have the 789 for EGLL or the 737 for QFA flights
  18. That’s interesting and kinda disappointing, I don’t want to use the marketplace or sim market and don’t like buying from many websites, that’s why central and contrail are great, hopefully they will bring it to Orbx eventually.
  19. So after a bit of research I've decided I wouldn't mind replicating the Iron Maiden Tours, although in MSFS it's going to be a couple years (at least) until we see PMDGs 747 or a 757 I would like to start prepping now, I remember seeing years ago a document with the flight legs for each tour (2x 757 tours and the 747 tour) has anyone got that document or could point me in the direction of the info I need? Thanks
  20. Just had a gander, it looks good, I normally prefer up at 37k flying tubeliners but I have the JF Arrow and am looking forward to having my A2A hanger back in MSFS, so maybe need to do some more GA flying. Thanks Ken, I was part of a few VA's back in the FSX (and P3D) days, they're good and FlyUK for example have the sort of tours I'm looking for but I wasn't the fan of the limit of you can only fly x aircraft in x livery.
  21. Currently i'm just doing adhoc flights from A to B, but I would like to add purpose (for the use of a better word) to my flying. I like the ideas of flying 'tours', so following the F1 Calendar as a cargo pilot for example. Can anyone suggest anymore ideas or say what you do for flights? Thanks
  22. This has just reminded me of a FSX mission pack where you flew SAR flights out of Caernarfon, great little airport, I could never find that capsized boat...
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