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Ketchikan Kaput...


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Something happened to my PAKT. It's been on my system forever and I was just there a few days ago and everything looked normal.

Not today. The elevations are all screwed up. Floating building, people walking around in midair, and the float dock about 20 feet in the air.

I've done nothing to the system except add HD Trees and the Cairns upgrade FTX Central alerted me to yesterday.

I ran the library and Vector Configurator. That didn't help.

I did a search of the Orbx folder and deleted everything that said PAKT. I deleted the three PAKT files in World/Scenery. Then I reinstalled the scenery and the update. Still no joy. I rebooted and nothing.

Has this happened to anyone here and any ideas what went wrong and what I can do about it?

I would hate to have to clean it all out and start over again.


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Noel,  I had this happen when trying to fly one of the routes from PAKT in RTMM, one of the routes in the Legacy Package.  I think you know what I mean.  I gave up figuring it out; so I simply started a Free Flight at PAKT then loaded in the RTMM route with flight planner, since those 35 routes are in the planner.  No elevation probs or the like.  I still don't know what the problem was.

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My PAKT is screwed up when I try to start a flight from there Stewart.  I'm about a day away from scrapping it all and starting over.  But this time just sticking to North America; maybe just California.  This stuff if getting too complicated for my analog brain tying to cope with a digital world.



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My PAKT is screwed up when I try to start a flight from there Stewart.  I'm about a day away from scrapping it all and starting over.  But this time just sticking to North America; maybe just California.  This stuff if getting too complicated for my analog brain tying to cope with a digital world.



Yeah, I've had days like that.  Have you tried recycling back and forth between Global and NA, then running Vector, then running the Libs?  After that, I'm fresh out of ideas.  Besides that, when I switch between Global and NA I often get a "switching regions" error.  I usually hit apply again and that seems to satisfy the beast.  I dunno sometimes about this hobby....

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This is really weird Stew. 


I did what you said about switching to Global and running the library and Vector Configurator and then coming back to North America again.  That did not fix the problem.


But I tried what you said about using the flight planner.  I planned a flight from Ketchikan to Vancouver and saved it.  Then when I loaded it and it asked if I wanted to go the active runway of the starting airport I said yes.  It took me to the active runway at PAKT and it looked normal.  Everything was in the right place.


Then I exited FSX and restarted it.  This time I went directly to PAKT and it's all jumbled up again.  And I used the same aircraft for both operations.


I don't know what to do.  I'm not a computer baby and am completely lost here. 



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Noel, I wonder if Holger's previous comment from the topic he references has anything to do with the problem? "...and I know that at least one of their Ketchikan area add-ons isn't compatible with the payware PAKT." "Their" referring to RTMM. That makes sense to me and our work around seems to confirm it.


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Yeah Stew, I disabled all the RTMM scenery in the scenery library and PAKT is still screwed up.


I spent a good part of yesterday tracking down the PAKT references Holger mentioned on the forum and found nothing that worked.


For months PAKT has been working with all of the RTMM scenery installed.  I have a Beaver startup flight at the dock and a ramp startup flight for the Kodiak at PAKT and go there to start flights frequently.  It had all been working until I installed HD Trees and the Cairns upgrade.  But I can't see how any of them are related.  I've run the configurator a dozen times since I began trying to fix the problem.  Perhaps it's just related to something unique in my system.


The point is moot now.  Tomorrow morning I am dumping my entire Orbx installation and will start over again.  But this time I'm only installing North America FTX regions and NOTHING else.  No mesh, no Global, no Vector; not even Palm Springs.   I will wait for  Southern California to come out for that.  All I'm buying anymore is Southern California and any airport enhancements for the North America FTX regions.


We no longer have a generation gap...we have a technology gap.  And I'm on the wrong side of it.



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Noel, Just for sh!ts and grins, try disabling the HD Trees and see what happens.  I didn't have any troubles at PAKT (I flew several flights in RTMM out of PAKT) until I installed Trees, and then I had to figure out a work around, which seems to work, for now at least....

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That didn't work either Stew.  I disabled HD Trees in FTX Central 2 and ran the library and Vector Configurator.  PAKT is still tango uniform.


Ketchikan is very important me for sim flying.  It's not like I can just ignore it.  It's the base for my bush flying ops.  I have several aircraft startups there.  Like Orcas Island is my base for PNW.  Gnoss Field is my base for Northern California.  And when Southern California is released Flabob will be my base for that area.


Hopefully when start from scratch tomorrow Ketchikan will be fixed.


The mystery is why it appears normal when you use it for a flight plan start but not when you go to it to start flying or when it's a destination.


I wonder if this has happened to anyone else?


I have one more thing to try and will let you know how that turns out.



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Ketchikan is likewise for me a starting point.  I start a lot of my PNW flights from Campbell River CYBL or Astoria KAST.  Northern Cal I tend to start out from home, KMRY, but your Gnoss Field sounds interesting.  Don't know about SoCal yet.


This evening a plopped the trusty Kodiak down at Ketchikan, just to see what was happening, no flight plan, and everything looked good.  Go figure!


Gotta tell you, though, if you haven't tried any of those dirt strips in PNG recently, they're a riot!  I found 5 and haven't crashed yet, knock on wood!  Man, what a wild place, no place for sissies.  You'd better know how to fly your airplane, which I'm sure you do (even though it's fake!  LOL  :D  )


Let me know your progress with PAKT.



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Another bust Stew.


I deleted everything that said PAKT in the Orbx folder and the three PAKT files in World/Scenery.


I downloaded a fresh PAKT from the Flightsim Store and installed it.


Same problem.


I used AFX to see if there was a stray PAKT but all it showed was the Orbx PAKT, the default on, and the elevation adjustment.


Tomorrow I start again fresh.



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.  But this time I'm only installing North America FTX regions and NOTHING else.  No mesh, no Global, no Vector; not even Palm Springs.  



Looks like you won't win (re: your old signature)

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Oh, I already have them Alex, they'll just be stored on a removable hard drive instead of being installed.


But you're right in the fact that I might not be buying anything else from Orbx unless it's a North American region.  So when I pass on Open LC North America I lose.



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I'm afraid I've run out of ideas.  You say you can't go directly to Ketchikan and plop the airplane on the runway, without loading any flight plan, and the elevations are all messed up?  If you can go directly to the active runway at Ketchikan without any problems, then I have a solution.  But if not, then I'm fresh out of ideas.  :-

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Last night I uninstalled the whole ball of wax. Today I am gong to install a fresh FSX and North America and leave it at that until I get a new computer dedicated to my sims. See the thread I started in the general forum asking for suggestions.


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Stew, Gnoss Field (KDVO)is located in Novato in Marin County a few miles north of the bridge. I know it because when I lived in Utah I used land there when I flew my kids to grandma's house in Mill Valley during the summer for a couple of weeks. It's a nice small GA airport...nothing like KMRY.


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The deed is done. I cleaned off the 500GB SSD and installed FSX and Acceleration. Then I installed PFJ followed by PAKT. PAKT looks normal now.

Now on to installing the rest of North America. I have all the regions and airports.


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The deed is done. I cleaned off the 500GB SSD and installed FSX and Acceleration. Then I installed PFJ followed by PAKT. PAKT looks normal now.

Now on to installing the rest of North America. I have all the regions and airports.


Sounds good, Noel.  Too bad you had to perform major surgery, though, but...been there and done that!



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Reinstalled FSX, Acceleration, PFJ, Ketchikan, Bella Coola, and Stewart and then the library.

Then I installed NCAL, Yosemite, Blue Canyon, Lake Tahoe, Monterey, Redding and San Carlos. All look fine.

But after running the library (150331) several times I can't get FTX Central 2 to show it's face. I'm still stuck with the original.

I understand HD Trees won't work without FTX Central 2.

I have a new post in the support forum asking about this.


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Just wondering, did you install one thing at a time and then run fsx to see if it worked, or are you installing everything at once?  I'm about to start installing Steam edition and judging by some of the funny things that happen, I anticipate a long process of checking each install.

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What I'm doing is installing the region followed by all the Orbx airports I have for that region.  Then I run the library.  Then I randomly check some of the airports.  It's still a long process since I have every North American Orx airport and there are a load of them in PNW.



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