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Dynamic Object Flow Placement.


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Have a big problem which I hope someone can help me with.

1. About a week ago the window "Error loading GPS_engine. The flight plan will not be used." appeared on the screen when starting FSX.

Click the OK button and FSX continues loading for a few seconds until the GPS Error window appears for a second time.

Click OK again and FSX continues and loads successfully in a few seconds.

2. Today I loaded EU freeware packs 5 & 6, NA packs 18 & 19 along with Yosemite and ORBX libs 140927.

On starting up FSX this window appeared.

Start Error message....

Name Dynamic Object Placement

Version 1,0,7,1

Company <Unknown>


Do you want to run this software(not recommended)?

To avoid seeing this message in the future, uninstall this programme or disable its ability to start when running Flight Simulator For more information about running third party programmes contact the publisher or see www.fsinsider.com.

Click Yes No

Finish message.

3. Click yes on the Dynamic Object Placement message window then the little blue circle goes round and round for seemingly ever.

Click no on the Dynamic Object Placement message window then the Error loading GPS window appears.

First click on OK and in disappears and continues loading until the Error loading GPS window appears for the second time.

Click OK and that is it. The dreaded blue circle just goes round and round.

4. Tried removing the File D:\FSX\ORBX\FTX_NZ etc... but FSX gets to the second EGPS error window and then fails to load.

5. OK, now I have had a problem with APPCRASH for a while (application name fsx.exe). I don't know if this is connected but if you think it would help I can post the details of that too.



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First, the "Error loading GPS_engine. The flight plan will not be used." message.


This is a result of trying to load a saved flight which includes a flight plan which has

been either deleted or over written by a different one.

The error message is telling you that FSX cannot find the (correct) plan.

The rest of the error message will tell you to which flight plan it refers.


The cure is to set a new flight but with either a valid or no flight plan and save it as your default.

If you choose the same name for your flight, you will see a message asking if you

wish to overwrite the existing saved flight, click Yes.


As to the second error, try opening your fsx.cfg file and delete all the entries in the

[Trusted] section, leave the heading and do not delete anything else.


When you restart FSX, you will be asked if you wish to run various .dlls and gauges,

click Yes to every one.


The solution to your GPS problem will definitely work.

I am not entirely sure if the .dll one will, please return if it does not.

If you do need to return and the Appcrash error is still there, details of this

can be found in the Windows Event Viewer and will be useful in trying to

determine the cause.

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Many thanks for replying Nick.

I was unable to start FSX at all but I have fixed the problem by deleting all of my flight plans in the Flight Simulator X Files. FSX did eventually restart with the FSX default flight without the "Error loading GPS_engine. The flight plan will not be used" message.

I have done as you suggested and saved a new flight without a flight plan and put it as the default flight.

The solution to your GPS problem will definitely work.

Great all seems to work there.

With the second problem I have done as you suggested but I still get the "Dynamic Object Placement message window" come up.

SO if you can come up with any more suggestions I would be grateful.



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Have a look at this post and replace the DLL located in your NZQN scenery folder.



Thanks Ed for helping.

Looking at that link I think you may have solved the problem. I may well have downloaded the P3D one by mistake.

I shall have to check it out tomorrow but this seems to be the likely cause.



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I had downloaded the P3D ORBX Libs at some time yesterday. I don't know what happens when you try and install P3D to FSX.

I have now installed the FSX ORBX Libs but the same Dynamic Object Placement message still comes up when starting FSX.

I have tried to download the NZQN_FSX_OF.zip but GetRight gives me:-

"The server returned an error response:



Can I have a new link to the NZQN_FSX_OF.zip file please.

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hopefully you can get it.

Got it.

Thanks very much Ed for helping out.

Installed and all up and running correctly again.


While I am pleased to have helped to sort out the first

problem, I fear I don't know enough to help with the second.

(I don't have that .dll on my computer)

I have asked my colleagues to look at it for you.

Thank you again Nick for your wonderful help.


From a very grateful VH-KDK

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